
My Barrel Horse won't turn to the left all the sudden?

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I'm so confused!? My barrel horse has always been awsome never had a single problem with her. All the sudden she won't turn to the left...she will go to the second barrel, turn it and run to the gait? When i try to get her to turn left just walking around she bucks. Could there be a problem with her feet? I got off of her today because i was scared that is she is in any kinda of pain i don't want to push it. I don't know the first thing about hoof problems. Please help!!




  1. You should absolutely have the vet check her over.  Those are big signs that something's wrong and she's hurting.  To me it sounds like more of a back issue than a leg/hoof issue, but that's really for the vet to decide.  To check her legs, wrap your hands around the top of her legs and run your hands down the leg.  Feel each leg and try to feel for anything abnormal... if one feels hotter than the other or if there's a bump in one but not the other or you can feel swelling or fluid... those are the signs of a leg problem.  

    I know she bucks to the left, but if you can, lunge her to the left at the trot and watch to see if the pairs hit the ground at the same time and if her head bobs down at the same time as one of the pairs... that will help you see which leg is her problem.  

    And it should be more obvious at the canter too... see which foot she tries not to step on.  Lunge her both ways and see which leg she tries to avoid using.  Pay attention to the front inside and the back outside because those are the legs that will be supporting all of her weight at one point... she won't want to use them properly if they hurt, so be watching for when she tries to cheat and use that leg less than she should.

    To check her back, start with your hand up on her withers, put your thumb on one side of the bone and your first finger on the other side... don't be touching the bone... keep your fingers out away from it a little bit.  then apply a little bit of pressure with each finger and run your fingers down her back.  If it hurts her, you should see her back lower a little bit and she might get a little upset.

    You should definately call the vet.  Your horse is really telling you that she's in pain so it's really important that you find out what's bothering her.

  2. It would seem that she's sending loud messages that there's a problem.  I'd get her to a good leg vet for starters, have them go over her.  It could be a problem higher up, but I would think if she had a back or neck problem it would express regardless of the direction she was going.  Have you changed tack, or has her body changed over the winter?  I still would think more of a leg/hoof problem than a tack issue, but it'd be worth looking into.  Good luck with her.

  3. It will most likely be her back or saddle.

    Get a vet or physio out to her before you do any damage, and even if they dont find anything at least you know she isnt in discomfort. I cant stand to think my horses are in pain, i would rather spend the money!

    Hope shes ok.!!

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