
My Bearded Dragon Keeps Opening Her Mouth...?

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I was just outside with her. Its like, 30 degrees right now. She started opening her mouth and she wasnt feeling threatened. I put her in some cool water now. Shes a little more than 2 months old and shes eaten. Why is she doing this? Was it too hot for her?




  1. Either she was gaping to cool off, or she felt threatened.  You should not immerse a beardie in cool water.  Sudden changes in body temperature can be harmful.

  2. You might notice your bearded dragon sit under the basking light and open their mouths from time to time. This mouth opening releases heat and helps bearded dragons cool down.

    Some dragons actually like to remain at high body temperatures and will gape while sitting under a basking light.

    This is a very normal behavior and one that leaves new bearded dragon owners scratching their heads.

    Though, if your dragon is on the cool side of its cage or farthest away from the heat source and still gaping, you need to turn the heat down.

  3. Bearded dragons do this sometimes when they are basking in the sun. You had her out in the cool weather though-and then put her in cold water. She may be upset because of that. They need to bask a good 11 hours per day. I'm sure you have a proper UV light for her. Also my beardy enjoys a WARM bath once in awhile. I'll fill the tub with a warm bath and let him soak for about 20 minutes-before the water chills. My guess is that the cold temperature made her unhappy rather than her being too hot.

  4. its natural. mine does that too. its just normal for them to do that, don't worry. bearded dragons love the heat. they open their mouths when they are "relaxing in the heat" my bearded dragon even does push ups!! i asked the pet store why he did that and they said to impress females i was like cool. my pet does push ups yeah

  5. Yes this is alright i take mine outside and when she shes the brightness outside she opens her mouth like she going to bite me.

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