
My Bearded Dragon is only about 7 inches big, will he get bigger?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not to sure of the age either.




  1. yes he'll get above a foot long or so. mine is 15.5 inches.

  2. It'll probably get about twice that size

  3. i have one i is full grown about 7 years old and is around 15 inches including tail  yours will continue to grow

  4. This is what we use for the classifications we think and why (this is our own opinion and may not be others thoughts. These are also averages, some dragons are more or less weight and length).

    1: Hatchling to Juvie - This one for me is easy as they babies show a noticable change, their eating changes, they start having growth spurts and their POO changes! They go from fragile hatchlings with little bitty poos to little bruisers and big poos. For most babies it is between 2-3 months, 6-7 inches and 20-30 grams.

    2: Juvie - Prior to becoming sexually mature we call them Juvies, that age can range from 2-3 months to 7 months, weight is usually up to 200-250 grams and length up to 12 inches.

    3: Subadults - They are sexually mature, (that is not physically mature) they can and will breed at this stage, but we do not think they should. That can average 8 months - 18 months. weights of 200-400 grams, and lengths of 13-18 inches.

    4: Adults - Mostly grown to their adult size and ready to breed, a healthy normal size dragon at this stage should weight in between 400 and 600 grams, 18-22 inches. Under that we do not think a female should be breed.

    Show it should do all bearded dragons grow different speeds just like humans

    Owner of:

    1 bearded dragon

    1 hieroglyphic turtle

    1 red claw crayfish

    2 buggies

    1 dog

    1 cat

  5. i hate when people get a reptile or a pet of any kind and don't even know anything about them...the answer is yes it will get bigger. i hope you go buy a book about them or at least read about them online. they generally get up to a foot or more including the length of the tail.

  6. I have a male bearded dragon right now thats 12 years old and 22 inches long. You really should've done research on them before you went out and bought one.

  7. yes, a whole lot bigger.

    and as a side note, shut up cherry

  8. Yes, they get up to 20 inches long. They need a big tank to live in. Read up on them--

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