
My Bearded Dragon?

by  |  earlier

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First of all my bearded dragon is very active everyday and will bask alot. I just bought him a hammok and set it up in his cage. Now he is hiding in his log hide like he doesnt want to come out. Can anybody help please. Thanks In advance. (its Still light outside)




  1. He obviously does not like the hammock.  It is also possible that he feels crowded by the new object..I am sure if you took it out he would return to his normal activities.   As much as we like to spoil out pets sometimes they tell us what they like.    As a rule bearded dragons do not like clutter tanks.  Usually a basking spot is all they need.  As a matter of fact bearded dragons are one lizard that seems to do well without a hiding spot.  Good Luck

  2. He might be afraid of the hammock.  Reptiles tend to be very wary of new things...they need time to figure out it's not dangerous.  Give him a few days.

  3. If the hammock is in his favorite place, move it somewhere else so he can comfortably sit in his favorite place while getting used to it.

  4. Aww, it sounds like he's a bit shy about changing things in his home. I don't have a hiding place for my beardie for that reason (I know, shun me!) but I wanted him to get used to seeing people and being looked at. I didn't want him hiding all the time since mine is still a baby.

    If he's comfortable being handled, maybe you can set him on the hammock yourself and show him that it's not going to hurt him. Maybe some treats of some sort on the hammock could lure him onto it? If he doesn't come out in the next day or so, I'd take the hammock out.

    Good luck! =)
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