
My Best Friend Kissed my Dad?

by Guest58509  |  earlier

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I was in the bathroom just finishing up getting ready and my friend was waiting for me downstairs with my dad. Then i went downstairs and saw them touching eachother and i havnt talked to her since , what should i do ?




  1. that sucks. i would talk to your friend first but do not get mad at her before you know what happened.  

  2. ON the lips if she did thats was prety groooooooose

  3. WOW. Okay, pretty intense. Anyways, I suggest you approach your dad and tell him that you saw them touching inappropriately and ask him why he did it/ gave into it. Just tell him how you feel and let him know that you haven't spoken to your best friend ever since that incident. Hopefully that would make him feel guilty so that he'd never do it again.

  4. Okay, big difference in touching and kissing.  Kissing could just be a polite good bye, touching could boarder on criminal activities.  You need to talk to your friend and find out if the touching was consensual and was not forced.  If it was forced you will need to make a very hard decision and help your friend report your dad to the police.  You can not judge your friend until you find out the truth.  Good luck.

  5. Talk to your dad, come on,  he IS still your dad. Yell at him, scream at him but at the very least, talk to your dad. then, talk to your friend, if you have to tell him/her *wasn't clear* that you want to break up your friendship with them *only if you want to still* then, take a deep breath and accept that it happened, and most likely won't ever happen again. It does happen sometimes, take my word for it.

  6. old is your Dad..and your friend? Sounds like some pedafile to me. I'd talk to your friend and ask her about it and then get the h**l away from your Dad, and call the police if some shady stuff is going down.

  7. That is a very freaky situation.  I would say that you need to speak to your dad.  Are your mom and dad still together?  If so you must be totally blown away!!!???  Still you need to talk to your dad and find out what they h**l's going on.

  8. dont talk to her about it talk to your dad first then talk to her compair stories and see who you think started it and stuff

  9. First,where was the touching being done? A hug doesn't necessarly mean love between lovers such as b/f & g/f, or family members. Wheather it be hugging or kissing. There's different types like different types of love. Was the kissing on the lips.cheeks,forhead? You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Ask one of them (or both,if you want to see if you get the same kind of answer).

    I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

    Was there a loss in the family & one was trying to confort the other?

  10. tell her about it and reaction of her face must be priceless

  11. That's Hot !!! .

    Is your dad married , cause if he isn't you shouldn't blame him . I say you start saying hello to your new mother .

  12. The title of your post said your best friend kissed your dad. They you said in your post you saw them touching each other. You didn't say where they were touching? You haven't said how old you are . Need some more information hon to be able to help you out here.

  13. Wow how old are you? i hope old enough that your dad can be talking to your friend in that matter..... But any way maybe don't worry so much a bout the friend talk to your dad tell him how that made you feel then talk to her let her know how you can not except that and how and when did that start because both of them are not respecting you  

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