
My Best Friend is a Sagittarius?

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Why do me and him get along so well?

I'm a Taurus and Isn't Taurus and Sagittarius supposed to clash like crazy?

Idk his moon signs and other signs....but hes very loyal, honest, straight forward, hardworking, and very very motivated.

He got into YALE and hes moving away this summer...(very smart)




  1. Hi Arch:-D

    Yeah, Sagittarius and Taurus are in quincunx aspect to each other, which is supposed to be a confusing aspect which creates tension as the two really don't understand each other at all.

    I think that the reason you and your best friend get along so well are two-fold:

    First of all, and probably the primary reason would be that there are other factors in your charts which support a harmonious relationship between you. For example, your Leo ascendant could be trine his sun.

    But also, it's my observation that while Sagittarius and Taurus may not always understand where each other are coming from, they're both pretty live and let live type personalities. Taurus is a fixed sign, yes, but they're more concerned with controlling those things which affect them directly than those which do not. And of course Sag is mutable, and philosophical, and so often times in the case of both sun signs the individuals are more accepting of the differences between people and less inclined to be irritated by them.

  2. woah you pay tooooo much attention to horoscopes and all that jazz you know they are fake right?

  3. In order to understand the compatibility here your full chart and at least his planets would have to be compared.

  4. A lot has to do with a person's natal chart. All Sagittarius are not alike. Some may share a few similarities and some may share a lot. It depends on the person and like I said their natal chart. A person's natal chart is very important because their are so many other signs in all the planets in that person's chart that makes up a unique character with unique traits that help the person to get along with signs that are said they don't generally get along with according to Astrology. I'm a Sagittarius and there are some Taurus I bump heads with and their are some that I really get along with and are good friends with. It's complicated to explain, but I always say it depends on the person. That's great you have a really good friend you get along with so well.

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