
My Best Friends Betrayed Me

by  |  earlier

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Well I like this girl and just about everybody knows including my best friend. So recently when i try to talk to my best friend on AIM he just logs out right away. I havent known way but now I do. Today when I was on AIM a girl in my class told me that my best friends going out with the girl I like. I could see it coming but I didn't know when. I don;t know how to react to this. My best friend won't talk to me and the girl I liked is going out with my best friend. I wouldn't mind it as much if I could still be friends with him but I have no way of talking to him so we can't even just be friends. Then later on today one of my other friends said he was playing truth or dare with my best friend and he was dared to ask the girl out. So that just weakened m friendship with my 2nd best friend. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?




  1. Forget them. They obviously dont care about you. So find new better people to hang out with.

  2. (a) your best friend is a jerk.  probably only doing this out of competition.  i'm not going to tell you to ditch him, but you might want to stop telling him about girls you like.  He'll steal them every time.  

    (b) get to the girl you like first.  b the first to ask her out

    (c) leave a note or email him or something, saying you're mad, but it's just a girl, and if he doesn't stop acting like an idiot and start talking to you, then you're going to find a new best friend.  Tell him you just want to (go skating, play basketball, etc) and that you're so over her (the girl in question. say it even if it's not true)

    (d) don't be surprised if he (a) dumps the girl very soon after you say you're over her, or (b) tries to steal whatever girl you're dating.  I know some people who try to steal their best friend's girlfriends and then when it works tell them they should be GLAD they proved how much of a tramp the girl was.  Some people.

    (e) stop sacrificing so much for him.  you're spoiling him

  3. let go of this person. shes a waste of time engery and care. thru life ull find a lot of friends but only the true friends wil matter. dont make it an acception for this person. tell her to f*** off

  4. He is being immature not talking to you. If he isn't a good enough friend to talk about it with you, then he is not a very good best friend! Sorry about the girl... : (

  5. Find better best friends.

  6. It seems like people always put tehmselves first now a days. If your friend did it just for a dare you should be mad because he ruined your chances just for a stupid dare.. if he liked the girl and she liked him then its not nice to come in between thier relationship just becaue you like her too. if he likes her you should give him a chance. what if you like a girl and your best friend also did, you would want a chance with the girl and your friend would understand that.

  7. ok im not very good with dateing advace lol sorry but maybe there not much of friends if theire doing this stuff...

  8. been there but they were my cousins.  one dated my boyfriend while we were still dating and came up pregnant.  never spoke to her again and never missed her company.  the other cousin and i were friends but not close.    you never dated the girl, just kept looking at her from afar.  either forget the girl or ask her out.  i say ask her out and have funny.  neither one were TRUE friends anyway but you can be JUST friends

  9. They don't sound like they are very good friends. I know that MY best friend would never date someone I was interested in.

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