
My Bf just went to basic for Infantry..he wants a tattoo..?

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My bf is away at Ft Benning for basic/Infantry boot camp. When he gets back, he is thinking of getting a tattoo. But he wants to get a confederate flag tattoo, will he be allowed? Just curious, not sure if he really is gong to, but he has bought it up many times.




  1. yea he can get it. as long as his uniforms (ACU's and Class A's) cover it. im stationed in Grafenwoehr Germany and my best friend has a confederate flag on his forearm. and he had that tattoo before he joined the army. as long as it is not on the back of his neck or his hand its perfectly fine.

    good luck =]

  2. I don't believe there are any restrictions on WHAT tattoo you get as long as it is not visible while wearing the uniform.

    Now whether it is WISE to get a confederate tattoo is a totally different thing. He's going to be living and working around a lot of guys (and gals) that are going to find that tattoo quite offensive. Part of being in the military is working together as a team. Why create friction for no reason?

  3. Yes he can get it.  It used to be that as long as the tattoo was not visible while in uniform you can get pretty much whatever you want.  However, that has either changed or the rule is being ignored as I have seen many soldiers with visible tattoo's while in uniform.

    Tattoo's are a great way to get hepatitis.  So make sure he is careful.

  4. He can get whatever he wants. The only rules regarding them is that they can't show beyong a certain percent when in PT gear.

  5. his body is now the army's.  why the h**l he would want a confederate flag tattoo is beyond me, but if he wants to do that, he sure as h**l better put it where it's not visible.    

  6. Tell him to wait until he gets to his duty station and then decide. Especially if he is going Airborne.  

  7. Tattoos are not so much a big deal these days.  But the content of the tattoo is.  If your BF had a big pot leaf, or a n**i Swastika, or a neo-Klansman confederate flag, it can cause him problems.

    Just make sure it doesn't show up on his DA photos.  If he gets it on his butt cheek, it won't matter, but if it is on his neck or forearm, it can have an impact on his career.

  8. I just graduated from EO (Equal Opportunity) School and we actually covered this question.

    Yes, he is authorized to get a tattoo with a confederate flag. As long as it doesn't include anything else that might be deemed racist (i.e. burning cross) then it is considered a cultural tattoo, much like a Puerto Rican getting a tattoo of their flag.

    If your Boyfriend does do it he should ensure he knows the current policy on tattoos. Many Soldiers do not know that it is allowed and will sometimes make the wrong assumption that it is racist, just because it is a confederate flag. The link below provides the current Army policy on tattoos.

  9. As a recruiter I have had individuals that I have tried to enlist get rejected for having a confederate tattoo.  The regulations in the different branches vary some in what is and is not authorized.  One of the biggest concerns is that he has to be careful where on his body he puts it.  

    If he decides that this is what he wants to do have him research the Army regs 670-1 regarding Wear And Appearance Of Army Uniforms And Insignia.

    There was a recent update that says:  "Tattoos are now permitted on the hands and back of the neck if they are not “extremist, indecent, sexist or racist.” Army Regulation 670-1, which was modified via a message released Jan. 25, also now specifies: “Any tattoo or brand anywhere on the head or face is prohibited except for permanent make-up.”  

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