
My Bf question again?

by Guest62158  |  earlier

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mkay so i had asked this question like thurs but now my Bf just called me and i didnt answer what should i do ? should i wait till he calls and answer or never answer OR call him back??

help please




  1. Call him back, it's the polite thing to do. [:

  2. if he left a msg call him back. if not wait for him too

  3. Don't cal him back sweetie.

    He hurt you, he never even told you he was leaving.

    There's no excuse for that, he could have at least called or texted or even emailed you when he was away to apologise but no.

    He's only calling you know because he's back and who knows for how long this time. If you want to give him a chance to explain that's your decision.

    I hope things work out for you and that either he has a bloody good explanation or that you both move on with as little pain as possible.


  4. I say, don't waste your time to call him back, it is just going to make things feel more awkward. If he left you to go to another state and didn't tell you..think about what he "did" on his trip? That shows no honesty in a relationship. I say forget about it, and move on with this other guy you said that you like in your other question, maybe he will have more faith and honesty towards you. And Actually CARE about you too. :)
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