
My Big Toe Really Hurts!!?

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Three days ago, I kicked the fire place in the middle of the night. My big toe is now purple and slightly swollen. I can walk on it, but it hurts. Even small amounts of pressure, like my husband rubbing my feet, causes pain. I don't think it's broken because I've been down that road before, but what else could it be? I can't really afford to see a doctor right now because I have no insurance.




  1. ok there is this bath salt you can buy try soaking your foot a couple times a day. if its not better by monday i go see a Doctor

  2. This has happend to me many times...

    Its just a severe jam, and it'll go away in about 3-5 days.

    ive had it happened to me to just about ever toe/ hurts like a mo fo! but trust me, its probably nothing to serious and itll go away

  3. Well then sweetie I suggest that you tough it out! I broke my foot 2 years ago and never went to the dr. for the same reason. I used ice on the area and took lots of Motrin as well as ate lots and lots of good high quality chocolate. I will remember you in my prayers. Just know that it will eventually heal. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  4. What you have done is stoved your toe. It is like a sprain but not as bad. They call it stoved (old folks word) and there is not much you can do except wait for it to heal. You can take Tylenol for the pain and the epsom salts might work some but basically you just have to tough it out. I would baby it all I could and rubbing it gently may be of some benefit because it will help rub the soreness out. Sorry there is not much else to do that will help it. Don't wear sneakers cause it may just keep it sore. I would try a little ice, it is good for pain. I wouldn't make the epsom salts water HOT just warmer than warm so it doesn't swell. Good luck.

  5. a good quick and inexpensive pain releiver for your feet/toe is to soak your feet/toe in epsom salt. You can buy epsom salt at any major drug store/pharmacy (CVS, Walgreeens, Riteaid, etc.) What is good to do, and it will probably tell you on the box, is to get a large sauce pan, fill it with HOT water and pour in the salt. it has to do with toxins or some thing of that nature, but, you should definately try it to releive the pain. hope you feel better :]

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