
My Blackberry Curve fell in water what do I do?

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My Blackberry Curve fell into a thing of water my daughter left. I didnt even realize it was there well until after it fell in. I quickly removed the case and took the blow dryer to hit yeah on warm (now I hear that is bad). Ok it worked after all that. But when my sister and I were checking it out with the feathures a white screen popped up and it has not turned on ever since. I want to cry. I do not want to pay full price for a replacement. I have only had the phonr for 35 days. The small white strip in the back shows no full pink just a dot of pink on 2 corners. But the battery has red but the battery still works we switch to my sis phone. I took out the battery and left it out over night but I tried again this morning no hope! Can anyone help me. Do you think its dead?




  1. it may be dead... don't turn it in again until it's totally dried out.  

    I have learned over a few incidents that if i have electronics come in to contact with water, the first thing to do is shut it off, remove the battery, remove any removable covers and anything else that can be opened ot removed and let it gently dry out.  Resist the temptation to turn it right back on - leave it for a day or two and hopefully it will all work out well.  I'm (fortunately)2 for 2 between a cell phone and a digital camera.  

    Have also heard of opening the thing up and putting in a bag full of dry rice to pull the moisture out - but never actually tried that.

  2. It has water damage, these blackberries are extremly sensitive.  If you have insurance on it, call and replace it.  You will have a deductible, but they are good at replacing it within 1-2 days.

  3. just tell them it kept shutting down and then you could start it back up and then say yesterday it shut down and now it wont turn back on. say the phone must have been defective and you want a new one. they should just give you a new phone.just dont tell them about the water.

  4. Take it to the provider and claim it screwed up and it is defective. It is worth a shot atleast.

    My friend recently dropped his new phone in the water and when it completely dried he took it in and they fixed it for him.

    What do you have to lose?

  5. the proper action would be to remove the battery immediately

    let it dry for at least 2 or 3 days.

    if u turn it on while damp the circuits short out and it is dead.

  6. It really depends on how much water.  I'd suggest taking it apart as much as you think you can without leaving it beyond reassembly and let it dry for another day or two.  If it still doesn't work it's fried.

  7. Unfortunately your blackberry is kinda screwed. There is some hope though. your blackberry has water damage so you cant do a device exchange, even if you were to try you would be charged $100 for liquid damage, they do a thurough check of the phone & there are actually indicators inside the phone, thats if you have t-mobile. However, if you do have insurance on your plan you can call the insurance company (its usually asurion & you can look up the number to call by provider at & they usually will replace it, but you do have to pay a deductible. I believe for pda devices its $100-$110, depending on the issue. i know this probably isnt what you wanted to hear but hey its better than having to fork out over $200 for a new phone. good luck

  8. buy a new one w/ warranty or insurance

  9. Probably dead.  Next time when electronics get wet, let them dry thoroughly on their own before turning them on or using them.  If you paid for it with a MC/VISA you might have buyer protection.

  10. My BB went in the water twice and I put it in a bag or rice for several days both times.  Remove the battery too.  There is a product called Dry Aid that will do the same thing only quicker but I'm not sure where to get it.

  11. here is an excellent story for anybody who drops their phone

    in the water. although unfortunately it might be a little too late for you but it is worth a try. the guy in the story also had a Blackberry

    apparently all he did was put his BB in a bowl of rice. read on to find out.

  12. Take off the case, battery, anthing detachable and set in in front of a high powered fan for AT LEAST 6 hours. Then see what happens. If no luck even after that, it's probably dead. :(

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