
My Borland C compiler wont work please help

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I'm new to C and I'm learning, heres my program:

// my second program in C

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()


cout << "My program";

return 0;


Now everytime i use my Borland C compiler it gives me an error and says "namespace name expected" and it highlights the line of code that says "using namespace std;" Please help!




  1. If you&#039;re using a really old version of Borland C++ (ie. when it was popular) it won&#039;t understand namespaces.  Try commenting out the line and try again.

  2. your trying to output &quot;My program&quot;?

    What is that?

    do you have it in another source file?

    I don&#039;t know what My program is and odds are neither does your computer.

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