
My Boss said some things about me, not sure what to do?

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Would you be mad if your boss said that you are talented and dedicated but you are not ready for a senior level position yet? I found out my boss said this about me to a prospective client who wanted me to work on their management consulting team.




  1. Your boss is entitled to give his opinion and he said nothing negative about you only that he believes you are not quite ready yet for a higher position. that is not rude. He has to say what is true and instead of getting mad at him I would see it as constructive criticism.. he said this.. meaning you can do it.. but you aren't quite there yet. So I would show him I can do it if I were you instead of getting angry at him. If you fail in the position to work for the management consulting team, then you would feel worse, if you work hard now, next time your boss will say. that you are ready now and that he recommends you any time to be a part of the management team... I would not get mad... I would work harder on the skills it needs then you will get there. Constructive criticism is criticism I would see as something positive because it is only meant for you to learn, never in a rude way..  so I would accept it and say to myself.. ''Wait and see, I will show you all that I can do this.. and I will show myself that I can do it!!! instead of getting upset.

  2. Yes! I would be mad!

    if your boss had something to say about you, he should tell you, not someone else! BS if you ask me!

  3. My boss did something similar to me too.

    So I did  what my heart told me too; I quit my job, pursued my higher studies and got a better job.

    My way of saying (Kiss My ***) but without saying it.

  4. There may be reasons behind his feeling your not ready.  It could be your length of service with the company, or how much effort you put in to projects.  You may be dedicated and talented, but you should model yourself after those individuals who are at senior level positions.  They usually are NOT the 9 - 5 employees and take on more projects without hesitation.  

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