
My Boston Terrier Vomits All The Time!!HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I have a BT who is almost two and when she was about 6 months old she started vomiting undigested food and even when she would drink water she would spit up. So we took her to Vet and they gave us a few possibilities. They suggested special diet for stomach problems and we tried that didn't work then they suggested elevating her food bowl and this helped a good bit but it seems she has spells where some days are just really hard for her to keep food down. I just want to know if anyone could offer any advice other than vet because we have been there and i know what my options are from the vet I already have $2500.00 in this and they are wanting more to send her to specialist. I am hoping someone here has experienced this and can save my puppy from this medical mystery.




  1. It must be a common problem. My B.T. has been vomiting since he was 4mths old. He is 1 1/2 yrs old now and he does'nt vomit as much anymore.  He mostly vomits when he wakes up in the morning or after a lot of excitment.   DO NOT LET HIM EAT ANY OF THOSE RAWHIDE BONES.  I found nylabone to be ok.  I dont see it causing any real problems with his health.  He is happy , he loves his food, he sleeps well.  He loves to run and is the most loving little creature you ever wanted to know.  So I really would'nt worry too much about the vomiting , just as long as it is'nt creating a serious problem. 

  2.  my boston terrior is 9 months it does the same thing 

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