
My Boy scout troop would like to raise money for our trips what are the best fundraisers that you have tried?

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we plan on going deep sea fishing and also want to go on a ski trip and even white water rafting. We have about 11 boys in the troop.




  1. irs requires an account for each person with the idea that tax will be due.

  2. We always had best luck with several kinds of fund-raisers...

    - Serving and cleaning up after food events

    - Holding our own spaghetti dinners or pancake breakfasts

    - 'Big Event' with a car wash, bake sale, and garage sale combined

    - Christmas tree removal service

    - Selling beef jerky made locally

    By combining events, we spread out the work, made it easier for each Scout to help with different things on different days, etc.

    We usually aimed for an 'on-going' event that the Scouts could work on  when they wanted over a year or so, and an event each quarter.

  3. The best I've seen lately is a dog wash--charge by the pound.  Rotsaruck.

  4. Our troop decorated christmas wreaths and sold them.  That was a great fundraiser for us.  We also had a spaghetti dinner every year about March.  It took a lot of work and planning, though, and we had 30-40 boys, plus an active parent's patrol.  We also did the popcorn sale, but it never raised much.  

    Other ideas - I have seen groups collect returnable cans and bottles for the deposit.  They put flyers out in neighborhoods a week in advance, and asked people to put their donations in bags by the front door on the day they came through, and put them where they can be seen from the street.  You could have work days, where people hire a pair of scouts to do yard work.  It's not that far from when people will need to rake leaves, at least if you're in a suburban setting.  Another unit in my area put on a haunted house, and charged admission.

    You could always go to your local council and ask them what works well for other units in your area.  As I recall, national has some rules about what you could and could not do for fundraising.  

  5. Maybe a cook out and make people pay for the food a car wash a talent show  selling candy always works lol

  6. Hey,

    My troop has an annual christmas tree collection.  We and several other troops distribute flyers advertising the collection.  A week or two later we collect the trees for 5-10 dollars and then take them to the local Home Depot where they later shred them.  Also we un-load the trees at the home depot and "accept" tips.  Your local Home Depot will probally help.  Good luck!!!

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