
My Boyfriend Is Gone Away For A Month ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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So he left Tuesday , and it feels like it has been forever , hes coming back March 2nd , ii found out last year he went away for 2 months . . . . ii am scared a month will turn into 2 months ? he said it was only gunna be a month but who knows right ?

ii uno what to do to make the time go by , and ii only heard from him once since and ii wasn`t even there to talk to him :( ii am dying to talk to him , ii do text hime but he can`t call back , and ii don`t call him cause ii uno what he is doing at the time or doing something with family , and the charging would go to his phone too right ?

ii uno ii miss him so much :( , ii am kinda scared he is gunna forget about me :( cuz we havn`t talked much , but maybe he just isn`t aloud on the pc all the time .

Some one please help me here ????




  1. find a different guy until he gets back

  2. You sound young. Why are you feeling insecure. He is having a holiday with his family, let him enjoy it. There is more to a holiday then being on the PC. He is on HOLIDAYs let him enjoy them, don't be so selfish. When he comes back, you will have more to talk about. If you have you just leave him one message on the PC. I doubt whether he will forget you, he is on holidays. He has only been gone a couple of days. Find a hobby or hang around with some of your friends. You sound to clingy.

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