
My Boyfriend Is Sterlie. And we really want Children. What do we do? IS there a way he can become unsterlie?

by  |  earlier

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We really dont want to do surgery.. and we want to have kids soon..




  1. please give us some more info.

    I have heard of doctors being able to go in and extract sperm from some men. ??? I don't know how sterile he is. (low sperm count) ??? If this is the case you could do IVF

    It just depends on what you all are willing to do to become pregnant.

    Of course there are choices like a sperm bank. Or other choices, that will not cause him to go under the knife. And of course there is adoption. I wish you luck.

  2. i just watched a show called the baby lab and this guy was sterile and the dr went into the guys "baby area" got some tissue from there and looked for sperm.. i think they found a couple and injected it into his wifes eggs..

  3. how do they know he is sterile maybe he is not there is noo reverse

  4. More infortmation is needed. How old are you both? How long have you been trying? What is causing him to be sterile? Post more info and I will answer in "edit".

  5. Has he had any actual tests to determine that he's sterile, or was he just told 'you can't have children' without any tests actually being done? My cousin was told he was sterile after an accident, yet he'd never had any tests and did end up having another child. My friends husband had the exact same situation, doctor said he was sterile due to injury, never had tests run and he later had 2 children. Ask him what kinds of tests the doctors did, and what they determined was his sperm count. If it's exceptionally low you may have to undergo fertility treatments. If for some reason he's not producing sperm at all and has a sperm count of 0 (This is very rare) you could still pursue a pregnancy with a sperm donor and your boyfriend could still be the legal father. Good luck hun, I hope everything works out for you.

  6. Are you the virgin Mary?  

    Go to a doctor.

  7. unfortunately there is no way to reverse this problem.  once it's done it's done.  Is he completely sterile or does he have a super low sperm count?  If he has a really low count there could still be some hope with IVF, but if he is completely sterile, you'll have to either adopt or find a sperm donor and do IVF that way.

  8. No have not heard noone having a baby if there man is sterlie but you mite can you will need to talk to a doctor about that .good luck. on trying to have a baby they are wonderful to have.

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