
My Boyfriend is in the Army and ...?

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we were on our way to his graduation when they called and said he would not be graduating and would be recycled ... what does this mean? and if he was suppose to go to AIT right away will he still go? when will he come home?




  1. It means that for some reason he is not going to graduate with his platoon and is being bumped back down into one of the platoons that arrived at Basic after he did.  He will still get to graduate once he completes whatever he hasn't passed and then his AIT will start.  

  2. There isn't many ways to get recycled......

    Either they wouldn't let him throw a live grenade due to poor performance at that range, he failed his final PT test (which is most common), he failed his end of cycle test or was recycled due to sickness (I've seen em get recycled for pneumonia)

    I've seen drill sgts pass people who failed to qualify or complete road marches! They just pencil whip em thru.

    He won't be leaving there until he has new orders cut though..or of course gets chaptered....

    If he is attending basic airborne training they will not give him leave until after he gets to his permanent duty station. Of course if his unit has deployment may be awhile til he gets leave....

  3. Recycled- the Army's way of saying he was held back or failed a portion of training. There are many reasons and things he could have done to get recycled.

    As far as AIT it depends on when his actaul class starting date was... it is normally a week after you get to the base that your AIT will be at. It is possible that he will ahve to wait a little more time to go to AIT. As far as I remember (From 9 years ago) when you sign your contract there is a guarantee that you can go into the specified job. That being said he should still have his seat in his AIT class, it may be a week later but it will be there.

  4. Ok, here is the scoop.  Your boyfriend failed or did not meet one or some of the required basic soldier skills or tasks to graduate and ship off to AIT he will be recycled (start over) from the last phase completed.  (Red, White, and Blue phase)  If he meets the requirements then, he will be shipped off immediately to AIT.  He then may not start soon after he gets there.  He may be a hold over at his AIT station.  Bottom line, he wont be home until he graduates both Basic Combat Training and AIT.  Sorry, but thats how the Army rolls.  Best of luck to you.

  5. this means your boyfriend either failed basic training or did something extremely stupid right before graduation and they choe to "recycle" him. it means he will have to do basic training all over again. he will not be going to AIT right away no. he will have to go all the way through basic training again and then he will be shipped to AIT. and unfortunately he has no choice now that he signed his contract. he does not have the choice to go home now and he will not have a choice when he does AIT. the government owns him. and the only way that he will be home is id the army finds him unfit to be military and then they will discharge him which will take a MINIMUM of 3 months to complete the paperwork for.

    im sorry =[

  6. he failed a critical tasking required for BCT graduation...maybe physical fitness test, maybe end of cycle common task (like disassemble his rifle), maybe failed to qaulify with his rifle with at least Marksman points.

    I doubt he will need to do all 9 weeks, but he most likely will not make his scheduled AIT date

  7. This means your boy failed basic and will be sent for retraining in the next available training cycle. He wont be attending AIT until he is finished with basic.

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