
My Boyfriend of FOUR years, thinks Im being a B*TCH because I want him to get his license back, is this BAD???

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I am 25. He is 24. We are both in love. My only complaint within our relationship is him getting his Drivers License back. He lost it to a D.U.I. In December 2006. He told me that he would get it back within 3 months, and how easy it would be.

To this day he has no license. He tells me that he doesnt deserve to hear me complain at him all the time (Once a month the past year and half, lately, once a week give or take).

We both use my car to get around. He had a 2003 Neon that went downhill after it hit 100K Miles.

I dont care that he doesnt have a car/truck, but I do mind that he has no license.

PS: We both work together within our own self made business (just starting up but will be successful). and also, we have no kids. We are very independent and live a great life, except for this one factor, and its driving me CRAZY!

So would you care if your man/lady had no license?




  1. Your strategy is wrong.  Let him use a bicycle or a bus.  He will learn to hate carrying groceries as such and will eventually want his own license.  It's a squeeze tactic.  Guys don't really have a problem listening, they just don't want us yapping.

  2. Yes I would care because he's driving around in your car with no licensce and if my memory serves me correct that could be punishable by a fine for you allowing him to drive in your car knowing he had a DUI.  For some reason I don't think he had only 3 months and he could get it back.  He probabably has more like 3 years and it's not that easy.  DUI is very very serious you have endangered the lives of others.  

  3. *****- i think he is the *****!  Grow up man and get ur life together rather then just using every1 around u as a taxi. I think there needs to be a serious convo about his standings- he is 24! I wld be lost without mine. If he thinks that every1 should carry him for the next 5yrs until he gets his head out his ****- well he needs to think again. I wld seriously consider whether this is a guy u want to be used and abused by because u are honest with how u feel. You might love him but does he love u enough to actually help out and take some of the stress from you! relationships are meant to be two ppl not just one. tell him to stop being a wanker!!!!

  4. dont ask women they will be on your side  the truth is your not a ***** but you are naggy give him time to do it on his own  

  5. If he's using your car you have the right to demand that he get a license.  If he gets pulled over without a license they may tow your car ... and you don't need that headache.  And I think getting your car out of impound would be more expensive than him getting a new license.

    Guys use the words b*tch and nag to control the women around them.  We want so much not to be called those names that we will usually do whatever they want to avoid it.  And in my experience most guys are much bigger whiners and nags than women are.  So don't let him put you on the defensive.  Stick to your guns and make him get off his butt and do it.

  6. why does this matter though if he doesnt have a car? he has been using you as his taxi.

    what is the purpose of him getting it, then you will be without a car for the time he takes it, and maybe he is scared and doesnt want another accident.

  7. The problem is lady is maybe he shouldn't be driving if he has had D.U.I in the past.

    What a way to injure himself, you or other people on the road. That lacks maturity and responsibility to him and others.

    I am 23 and don't have a car, but I do have my license. Never got a ticket, drive my girlfriends car, take the bus and walk.

    If someone chooses to be safe and would rather take the bus and or walk that is fine. Though you shouldn't let him drive your car without a license.

  8. yea I would care.. ESPECIALLY IF HE LOST IT FOR DUI... because he could have hurt/killed someone and driving drunk shows he isnt responsible but yea i would care  

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