
My Brackets Came off!!??!!?

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My next appointment is on September 4. And today is August 15.

Is it ok if i wait. Cause last time i broke 3! and she was kinda like OMG. And i'm scared if i come back in she mite get really mad at me. Do you think i should wait? If i do wait, would it slow down the process?!? please help!




  1. i just got mine and i was reading about them and they say if any brackets come off make a appointment as soon as possiblee

  2. you need to call your orthodontist and she if they can get you in as soon as could slow down the process.she cant get too mad because if you think about it she was the one who didn't make sure they where properly glued.but then again they prolly where and u ate something to loosen them.whos to know for sure.

    anyways....u should try to go in as soon as possible

  3. I would call in and tell them. If they say it okay to wait then do so.

  4. I break mine sometimes too. If you want you can wait it won't slow down too much, but if your dentist might get mad. Don't worry I know how you feel. Umm....lets see. Maybe you should just wait and deal with it later, or you could go sooner if you can handle the heat your dentist will give you. I am soooo sorry there really isn't any easy way out.

    good luck :)

  5. I suggest you talk to the dentist right away.  

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