
My Bro Lives Close To A Empty House?

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My Older Brother Lives Close To A Empty/Abandoned House And Well We Want To Use It For Partys And What Not There Is No Items in The House Everything Down To The Windows Are Gone So Is It Possible To Use The House?




  1. I Guess So.

  2. Not legally.  And with no windows, no lights, possibly missing stairs, doors or railings, mixed with kids drinking- It sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

    "It's always fun till someone gets hurt"

  3. It's not advisable. You could get hit with trespassing charges, for one thing. For another, you never know what's in supposedly-abandoned houses. There is one I remember that was quite literally rotting apart- and I don't think you want to risk falling through the floor.

  4. What's wrong with your brother having parties at his own house?  If he doesn't  own the vacant house, it's still the same as if someone lived there.  It isn't his property and he doesn't have the owner's permission to be there.  That can land him and every party guests in "hot water" with the Police.  

    The only reason I can think of for you and your brother not wanting to party at his own house is because alcohol and drugs will be used and he doesn't want the evidence in his own home.

    The whole idea is a very stupid one and you may want to think about how the outside world looks from inside a jail.

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