
My CV????????

by  |  earlier

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Would you employ me based on my CV?If not what can I do to improve?

Profile Summary

I am ambitious and have always been enthusiastic about journalism.

It is my passion but I would like to make a career out of it as well.

One day I would like to start my own magazine and be editor in cheif.







IT Skills

I am a regular Internet user and browse every day for leisure purposes.

I would say may skills at Microsoft word and power point are basic.


Fluent English


Reading: I enjoy reading a broad range of literature and am always trying to expand my taste in books. I find reading encourages me to write my own books and poems.

Travel: While I haven't done much travelling,in fact I've never been abroad,I would love to do so in ththe future as I love learning about different cultures and people.

Sports: I'm not a sports fan but I do love to play a casual game of Tennis in the summer.




  1. hmm for what kinda job tho?! a journalist of some sort?


    have you ever written something to a school paper or a magazine or something that got published?! you may wanna include that in your portfolio.. do you have any future studying plan?! sorry to hear about that you had to drop out, but will you be able to go back to school now?! without a degree or some kinda plan that you may have to "upgrade" yourself is definitely something that employers wanna see in your CV :-)

    try some distance learning or online degree or something like that too if getting into a local school might be a problem

    good luck!! i admire journalists (well the down-to-earth ones) :-)

  2. You seem to be enthusiastic and interested..but I'd say that the CV itself needs a bit of tweaking.

    Try not to draw attention to stuff that you haven't done/got (Degree = 0...I haven't done___). The following format might help...

    1) Personal Profile - who are you, age, current status..just a few lines, no need for a life story

    2) Key Skills - either Key Skills qualifications or skills that you believe you have e.g are you comfortable with ICT? Are you punctual?

    3) Work Experience - list the work experience you've had, when you did it, and specify what it was you did e.g serving customers? Maybe you could contact local news agencies?

    4) Voluntary Work - same as above but describing voluntary placements e.g charity work?

    5) Education and Training - list the schools you've attended and dates of attendance

    Qualifications - list qualifications you have, I would leave this out if you don't have any recognised qualifications/ accredited certificates. Or if you can, get some to fill the space (Open University courses perhaps?)

    6) Personal Details

    Interests - describe your interests briefly

    Other Involvements - similar to work experience/voluntary work...but anything else that you may have been involved in which demonstrates your skills and interests?

    7) References

  3. well not too bad but unfortunately (or fortunately) a paper is still important.. no degree? no school?
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