
My Cancer friend is NOT sensitive!?

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He hurts my feelings allll the time and says he doesn't know it because I am good at hiding it (Aries Sun/ Taurus moon) but aren't Cancers supposed to be intuitive? He also has a Cancer moon. I feel like I got jipped with having a Cancer friend.




  1. cancers are hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

  2. well if he has leo rising, that could be the answer to why hes not very nice at times.  leo is a fire sign, and they dont often think about who they are burning (i know, cuz im a pisces woman who was married to a leo man...key word WAS).  just talk to him and say "hey ur not being very nice...whats wrong?" be polite to him, ask him to tone down his cruelty.  im sure that if u explain that YOU ARE sensitive, if he is really a true friend to you, he will work on being a nicer person around you.

  3. Well, if astrology was anything close to reality, then maybe so.

  4. i am sorry you feel bad,friends shouldn't make you feel this way.

    you need to know the rising too,it could be it.

    i had similar situation with a Capricorn once, and i do love this sign ,but this person was a real life B.I..TCH. everyone i know called him that. unlike any Capricorn i met . generally they are real men ,respectful and caring. not that B...I..TCH. God i hate him.

  5. Zodiac signs have no real meaning. THEY ARE ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.

    The way a person is raised and their genetics determine how they will react and behave.

    Sorry, but I have found that to be true over the years.

    They are horribly inaccurate. Sorry! =]

  6. my sister is a cancer and because shes so sensitive she knows what really hurts me and she says it anyway and tests me. Cancers tend to think their emotionsa re the most important. And although, they care about others they think all others can hold their own. you did not get jiped, the only way i can think of improving the relationship is showing you car about him and he will treat you the same or by letting him know when he hurt you so he will be careful next time. good luck i am having a simialr situation with my sister.

  7. Maybe he is trying not to be sensitive.

  8. Maybe his chart is flooded with unsenstive signs because Leos can be extremely sensitive, like my cousin, she's such a big baby.

    Hmm, maybe it's just him, he's a guy after all and maybe he doesn't want to be seen as sensitive? So what is your question exactly? Lol, yeah they are supposed to be intuitive.

    Are you questioning astrology and that maybe it's not as accurate as they say it is? Lol, good luck with your friend. Maybe he lied about his birthday? Hazelnut is correct. Maybe he doesn't want to be seen as mushy around you, since your an Aries you might intimidate him if he had shown you how sensitive he really is.

  9. No sweetie you were not jipped.  Cancers are very sensitive to their own feelings!  If how you feel is how they feel then they can be sensitive to yours---really out of an extension to themselves if you ask me.  

    You can explain how you feel to you are blue in the face...if he hasn't felt that way, isn't feeling that way or if you are not expressing your feelings in a way that he can feel then you are plum out of luck in getting any warmth and understanding from him.

    Strangely enough if a Cancer sets their sights on someone they can rip off their shell and start oozing out emotions non-stop to someone who they don't even know or who hasn't demonstrated the least amount of interest- again because they feel that they want this person.

    It is all how they feel...I'm sorry that you are being hurt in this way!  Your telling the person may make him feel bad for himself (another typical Cancerian reaction) and then he'll shell up more.  

    My Gemini bff is very emotionally aloof and Cancers come out of the wood works constantly expressing very very strong feelings that they have for him which shocks us both since he hardly knows them.  He can't get rid of them either...they are soooo aggressive.  

    My point is that you can not make a Cancer do anything unless they feel like it and them feeling like it is again based on their goals/wants/emotions and not you.  

    If you really want this person to open up to you you will have to be able to express the feelings that he has and express them in a way that he relates to!

    Good luck!!!

  10. I dont really like cancers too much, from my experiences. They are moody, extra-sensitive and overreact a lot. They are also selfish. Granted, i am only listing their negative qualities. Cancers are sensitive, but remember this, just because someone is sensitive doesnt mean they are sensitive to others. They can only be sensitive to themselves and their feelings, not yours.

  11. I have yet to know a cancer who was sensitive. I have known cancers who think alot about themselves. They will be friends with you, but you are there to serve a purpose. I think they are family oriented because they need others around them to support their personalities of wanting to care for someone, anyone.

    You need to tell your friend, but be prepared for her to be SHOCKED. Cancers don't tend to see outside themselves. They are selfish, but they don't understand it, because they KNOW they like caring for people and she will think that she's been caring for you not hurting you.

    Your Taurus moon is big on stablity, that's why that Aries sun hasn't kicked her mean  a  s  s to the curb. Sit her down and make your views plain. She may even cry and apologize. But make sure you remind her everytime she says something insulting or mean... Eventually, hopefully the behavior will stop.

  12. yes July 21st would definitely mean there's a good chance of a lot of Leo in him.

    Also Cancer is sensitive, but like a lot of people have already answered, they are sensitive to their own feelings, not so much to others, because they tend to be a little selfish.

    on the other hand, if this person is majorly Cancer and you point out that he hurt you, he will probably do his best to make it up to you and he will be truly remorseful.

    They are sensitive to others feelings, but only when they become aware of them. usually they arent aware. and they can be a little mean/spiteful at times.

    it would do it good to get a nice pisces friend instead. they are the best. lol.jk.

  13. I agree with Tiger.  Perhaps he was born on the cusp with another sign.

    I'm a Cancer as well, and everything I've EVER read about Cancers fits me perfectly.

  14. Perhaps his birthday is on the cusp of another sign. Everything I've ever read about Cancer fits me perfectly.

  15. Zodiac signs = BULLSHlT

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