
My Cat Sleeps In The Sink? ?

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OK so, this is odd. I have a male cat, and he sleeps either in the sink, or on top of the toilet bowl..... It doesn't matter where i move his bed to, he prefers to sleep in the sink. And now he takes his food into the bathroom to eat? My house is perfectly clean and odorless so that wouldn't be why

An cat experts?




  1. I grew up with cats, many years experience with them.  anyway, I had a cat that slept in the bath tub.  I was wondering why so, since it is a place that can hold water, the substance he doesn't like very much. Then I noticed that, as soon as the bath was dry, he jumps in and siesta (taking a nap). After that I learned that the drain pipe was broken, and the warm water drained out directly underneath the bath, and kept it warm for a while. I fixed the drain problem, and therewith spoiled his bath-siesta.

    It happened that the bathroom sink-tap leaked a little amount of water, per second.  uhm, ok, and another cat of mine prefered sipping from that tap.

    Had a cat that watched over his family (us). each night checked every window, slept a moment at each door, then the rest of the night on the cussion of mom's.

    Had a number of cats that had peculiar taste for various vegitables: grapesquash, tomatoes.  One was a milk addict.

    Anyway, what I am trying to say is: cats have personalities of their own, just like humans.  no two cats are alike.  I had a cat that enjoyed playing in water.

    Regarding the sink, that is his favourite place. even thou the carpet is soft, the sink is cool (in warm days) and the sink curves would support his back nicely.  I had cats that layed on their tummies, with legs spread open, to cool down on warm days

    Regarding the food. yeah, I raise my cats exremely strict. I have the least problems with them in their adulthood. Cats do have their own sense for hygiene, but eating in the bathroom, which is abnormal, I advise to take a close look as to WHEN, and WHAT he is eating there.  Perhapse it could be the deodorant that irritates him, just take note, when and what he does.  Like my siesta-cat above, through him I found out that there is a problem with the bath-draining.

    Lastly, a cute, but surely gross to us, is their gifts.  Please don't spank your cat when you wake up one morning with a dead bird, or some other animal, at your feet.  Sweerheart, he gave you a token of his appreciation for you, just to say "thank you mom, for everything you do".  Don't look at a dead bird, rather look at the EFFORT he put into catching the bird, and definitely kill it properly, and not chopping it up into poultry.  If cats assigned value to gold or diamonds, then he would have dug up a few nuggets and rocks.  Read their language, they are cute.  And yes, neither do I eat any of their gifts, but dispose it off out of his sight.  They are clever...

    Just take a close look at their behaviour.  They sense things we don't, they hear/see/smell which we can't...

    I hope this helps

  2. Yes, they DO like small areas - open a shoe box or put a basket out, cats will climb right in.  But in addition to the size and shape, ceramic sinks and toilets are COOL.  My cats share the bathtub as long as the curtain is closed (all five of them!), and my new little kitten sleeps in the sink...

  3. Lol! That's adorable! Not unhealthy. Cats are just strange sometimes... all pets are. Lol.  

  4. shape of it and its cooler for them.

  5. Cats are naturally eccentric-- your cat might like the cool surface of the sink and toilet

  6.   Please check out this site :  - if the link doesn't work just google it. Enjoy.

  7. Normal.  Cats like sinks, because of the shape of it.  They like anything small they can curl up into, like boxes.  Cats are the opposite of claustrophobic :)

  8. One of my cats is always finding odd places to sleep. I think it's just a cat thing. Cats do tend to prefer to feel they are somewhere safe and private.

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