
My Cat Wont Use Her Litter Box.

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She was potty trained at my grandmothers house, but we took her home with two of her kittens;& now she refuses to use her litter box, yuck! She is 4 years old and the kittens are both 7 weeks.




  1. You may want to purchase some Cat Attract from a pet store. You can add it to your litter and it will help her find the way.

    Have you changed the type of litter you use? It could be the problem as well. Try to get unscented cat litter, fruity or floral smells will make cats annoyed with the litter box sometimes. My kitten and 19 yr. old cat are that way.

  2. She is probably stressed by the new move, my friend's cat did the same thing.  Put the litter box in a place where they look to be comfortable at and that should do the trick.  

  3. check what kind of litter your grandmother was using and how big the box was.  where are you putting the box.  it needs to be put someplace quiet and private.  it also needs to be large.

  4. At the age of 4 years, it could be a behavior issue.  Changing homes, kittens, etc....but it can also be something more medical.  A call and mentioning it to your vet to rule out kidney or urinary problems would be a good idea also.

  5. Most likely, the stress of the move has confused her.

    But even before that, it is best to have one cat per litter box. At most, two. Having all three use the same box will not help her in any way. I suggest you purchase a second just for her.

    For the next two weeks, make it a habit for you to take her to the litter box yourself. Twice a day, in the morning and evening should do it. Place her in, but avoid touching her, just let her do her own thing. After she goes, reward her with a treat, petting, or some other reinforcement. After this, it will become habitual for her to use that one.

    Edit: I understand that she has always shared the box, but I am saying that giving her her very own box will be a lot easier and encouraging for you to get her to use it regularily.

    And 7 litters for a 4 year old cat?? Jesus, the poor girl has been way overbred. Breeding should begin at 2 years, and she should be given at least 1 year between litters. I hope you spay her before she develops health problems related to her breeding :(

  6. you need to use the same type of litter and box that your grandmother used and if she messes on the floor pick the mess up and put it in the litter tray so that she gets the smell and hopefully she will know that it is where she must go. it worked for my cat. she might prefer not to use the same litter tray as your other cats as cats can be funny about toilet business with other cats

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