Ok so my fiance and I were gone all weekend. we left plenty of food and water for the two cats. when we got home on of the cats puked immediately. I assumed she was excited or had a hairball or something. then before bed she puked 3 more times and was very lethargic. my fiance wanted to take her to the animal hospital but i told her she was over reacting......... cats always puke. well at 4AM the cat puked 5 more times so she made me go with her and take the cat, also at this time she found an advil on the floor that looked like it had been chewed up. well when we got to the vet, they put her on fluids and said there may be some kidney damage. she has to stay there for three days at least and they are charging us $1,600!!!!!!! So first question: anyone have a cat that survived this? second question: Am I a jerk for not listening to my fiance sooner? I feel awful about it.