
My Cat has a hole in its thigh?

by  |  earlier

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I just noticed while looking at my cat that it has a DEEP hole in its thigh and i'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of what it is? When i was younger i had a cat that has the SAME problem and it had a hole the size of a lemon in the same spot and you could see everything inside the cat and i forgot what the vet said it was and they sewed the hole up. Anybody have any ideas of what it is? because this is definitely worse then a scratch or anything like that.. here's a pic of it :




  1. thanks for taking such interest in your cat, you are an amazing person! its best to keep your cat INDOORS because its safe and reduces the risk of them getting hurt or killed... which could also reduce your vet bills! that wound looks pretty serious, and would need to be sewn up. like that person said, it could be a burst abcess from a wound and would need attending to. if you keep your pets indoors the chance of this happening is very low, unless they hurt themselves on something inside. still, it would be best to go to the vet :) if its nothing serious, they should tell you.

  2. bad photo, cat looks like it weighs 200lbs.

    if it has a hole, it needs a vet

  3. he could have had a puncture wound from fighting, which subsequently got infected and formed an abcess (has he been sick, listless recently?) and the abcess may now have burst open leaving a big hole.  Get him to the vet so he can go on antibiotics to prevent a bad infection.

  4. Ughh that looks bad! It looks like a puncture wound to me (usually caused by fighting). You really should bring him to the vet and have it cleaned up before it gets infected.

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