
My Cat has been puking up food a lot lately.?

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What do you mean indoor formula, they are all outdoor cats. Is that food meant for strictly indoor cats?




  1. the fact that hes a cat most likely. cats puke. period. if it whole undisgested food he might be eating too fast. or he might have a hairball hes trying to get up. get some laxatone in case of hairballs. its good to have on hand even if its not. unless its green or yellow bile etc i wouldnt be worried. or unless hes starting to loose weight.

  2. he may have a blockage (like a hairball) and when food can get through it comes back up. he may have an allergy to the food he's eating, or if you changed foods recently cat's don't handle dietary changes well.

    Take him to the vet.

  3. Try switching to an 'indoor formula' cat food.  My cats were doing the same but stopped after switching their diet.

  4. "btw the only food i feed him ios friskies, wet and dry"

    There's your problem. Friskies is a garbage cat food. Friskies contains TWICE the amount of salt recommended as a daily intake for an adult cat, the protein source is from cereal products rather than meat, and the meat content is "meat by-products" which could mean any part of the chicken/lamb/cow etc. such as hoofs, spines and bones. Cats do require fibre in their diet, but a smaller % than what this product packs in. The first two ingredients in their dry kibble are Ground Yellow Corn and Corn Gluten Meal. Which is considered a "filler". They also have animal fat in their food, but what kind of animal fat is it?

    Think of it as McDonalds for your cat.

    So I would try switching him to a better cat food.

  5. i have a long haired cat that was doing the same,a pet conissour told me it was probably a hair ball. he told me to give the cat butter,that is what it was,so now i give the cat butter about once a month. the butter will let the cat throw it up. hope this helps.

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