
My Cat is Always Hungry and throws up at times. I'm worried....?

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I love my cat very much. She's about 6 years old now. My parents don't care about her much, trying to get her a vet check up is hard enough! She's only been to the vet twice: 1st for shots and stuff, second to be spayed.

But now I'm worried about her. We had to stop giving her dry food a few years ago because for some reason she got sick from it and would throw it back up.

So we started giving her only soft food.... but she throws it every once in awhile. Just recently she threw up her food this morning and also less than a week ago. So twice in one week. The barf looks life her food. What should I do with her? Try changing her food or what?

She's really obsessed with eating and always whines for food too. Is that also a problem?




  1. There are so many good suggestions here but I thought I would add my 2 cents.  I know it may sound gross, but I would look carefully at the vomit next time and check to see if it is a lot of hair.  Call the Vet tell them the situation (like someone else mentioned) they are very kind and are always looking out for your pet's best interest.  If they think it is serious enough try to figure out a way to help get her to the Vet.  Good luck we'll all be thinking about you!

  2. Hi

    Wet food is much better for your cat then dry foods.

      To answer your question. Cats throw up and i do not believe that is serious. For hairballs get some 'vet basis' You can also get some acidophiles from a health food store and sprinkle in the food each day

    That is a pro biotic an can help with his system

      You are talking about her whining for food, how much and what are you feeding? any other symptoms?

  3. Some cats throw up once a week due to hairballs. They also get GI upset from different foods. I would try to find one kind and stick to it. I would feed less at a time and more times during the day. I would wonder about the onset of hyperthroidism if your cat is always hungry and gets thinner. If it persists and cat seems sick take to vet. Good luck. Can also try food for sensitive bellies.

  4. I would say that your cat probably had a hairball or something. My cat does the same with his soft food once in awhile, but if you looked at it closer, and who would want to, you would probably see the hair in it.

  5. cats are finicky by nature and you shouldn't change their food too often cuz this only make them finickier.  as far as vomiting, maybe it is a particular flavor that makes her vomit.  try to pay attention to this. if this is not your problem, try a food that has lamb in it.  Lamb is hypoallergenic and would be more sensitive to her stomach.  i am a firm believer that dr food is the way to go cuz it keeps their teeth cleaner.  but for cats you have to worry about them drinking enough water cuz kitties can easily develop kidney failure.

    try these things first and i'll keep a look out for your progress  

  6. Try feeding your cat less food. Maybe you are overfeeding.

  7. Can you call the vet's office from a friend's house? Explain the whole situation to them and ask for their advice.

    They can also explain to you the laws on rabies vaccinations. If I'm remembering right, rabies vaccinations are required, by law, in all 50 states.

    My cats (and I'm on my 9th and 10th cats) have done this before. It turned out to be nothing sometimes, and intestinal parasites other times.

    Good luck! I'll be thinking good thoughts about you!

  8. Vomiting isn't as serious in cats as with humans. The vomit reaction for them is quite natural and can be from simply overeating and overwhelming their stomachs. A good way to tell is if the vomit looks like barely digested food the cause is most likely the cat ate way too much.If there is hair in it it is hairballs, and if it is at all acidy or unrecognizable as food she may be ill. As long as she is not losing weight and is continuing to eat, drink, go to the bathroom and behave normally don't worry too much.

  9. IT does sound like hairballs, however; if she's an indoor cat she doesn't have to go to the Vet as often as a cat that is mostly outdoors. I have three indoor cats and they're healthy. I've noticed though that when cats start to get old, or have something wrong with them, than they start the vomiting. My cat beanie had kidney problems and threw up a lot.

    I have a 11yr old calico and she has started to throw up food. I suggest you tell your parents how much you care for him, and that you're worried he's really sick. If it's kidneys or cancer. The best advice I can give you, is to put her down so she doesn't suffer anymore!

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