
My Cat is Wagging her Tail????? What does this mean??????

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my cat is wagging her tail! what does this mean!?

thanks to those who answer! i'm a level one so i cant rate, so thanks ahead of time!




  1. It depends on how your cat is wagging her tail. Usually if our cats are wagging their tails and it's a jerky movement they aren't happy about something and will let you know about it, but if it's a smooth movement then she could be content.

  2. I've found that when my cat wags her tail, she is either agitated / nervous about something or she is excited about something, like when she watches birds out of the window.  And sometimes when she is resting on my lap, she will flick her tail back and forth.  She's content, so I think she's just dissipating a bit of energy while she relaxes.

  3. You're not giving enough information to understand the question.  Cats move their tale almost all the time.

    I would suggest that you educate yourself on cat behavior; it will make sense of all the things they do, as they never do anything without a reason.  I don't mean that in a mean way; just pride of ownership is an educated owner.

  4. usually they're unhappy.

    my cat does it before he 'attacks'

  5. usually when they wag thier tail they aren't happy they are angry .

  6. Some dog people think the cat's happy.... don't fall for that. A wagging tail that's being done jerkily or very quickly or is thumping onto things is a pissed off cat who's ready to claw at something or actually try to bite. I'ts the cat way of saying 'stay away'.

    If it's very slowly moving back and forth low to the ground, the cat is usually considering a hunting move on something it sees.  It's sort of like deep thinking as they evaluate what they want to do next.  

    But any wagging jerkily or quick, with the tail halfway up or about 4" off the ground is a pissed cat saying back off.

  7. i got told it means there mad lol

  8. She is probably irritated, in a bad mood or unhappy . If you have been playing with her could be shes just being mischevious and devilish. Tail wagging in cats has the opposite meaning to a dog wagging his tail.

  9. There are different meanings

    Here you go

  10. if there swaying there tail it's entirley differnt and you shouldn't take much notice. but if their growling when the wag, they may be just angry at you or sometihng else. When i used to pet my cat's tummy, and it wans't it the mood it would wag it tail as attempt to swat me away. I think you should just ingnore, and it's nothing to worry about.

  11. If she's wagging the whole thing quickly, then she's really angry. If she's wagging the whole thing more slowly, then she's just annoyed.

    If its just the tip moving, she's fine.

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