
My Cat is fixed but??

by Guest31844  |  earlier

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My cat is fixed and seemingly in good health. How ever I noticed today that where she was laying last night (my white shirts) there looked to be blood smear. Now with her being fixed I wasnt sure if she would spot, if it might be roids, or anything else. Should I be worried?

She is about 7 years old, very playful but also a cuddler.

She is about 15-18 lbs and about 22 inches from nose to butt (not tail)

She is a Torti

Also have a newer younger kitten about a year old now

she is a femal all up to date. ben in the house since Jan. Likes to play and cuddle. Chases/torments older cat sometimes.

8-10lbs and about 12-14 inchs from nose to butt and also is a Torti but with long hair.




  1. If she is showing blood this is a sign of several things. Worm, irritated bowel or stomach or kidney infection. Take her to the vet.

  2. It looks like she has cystis. This is more common in male cats but I have a neutered male and a spayed female that both get it from time to time. Cats with cystits usually need to be switched to a all wet diet (if they aren't already) and need some medication for a week or so.

    Cystitis can be fatal if not treated within 24 hours! You need to get her to a veterinarian ASAP!

    Good luck & I hope she makes a full recovery!!!

  3. take her to the vet now this happend to my other cat and it had a blatter infection and i was to late so i had to put her down within a month.please take her to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Since she's fixed she won't spot - the womb has been removed.  Unless she has frequent constipation, she shouldn't have haemorrhoids.  Cystitis can cause blood and mucus in the urine - is she using her litter tray frequently and only passing tiny amounts?  Otherwise, the most likely cause is an injury, perhaps from playing to rough with the other cat.

    Have you checked her teeth?  Although 7 is young for dental disease, inflamed gums can bleed.  That will require veterinary treatment to either descale them or to remove bad teeth.  Also check in case it is coming from her nose - it's amazing how often cats can end up with something irritating caught in there.

    Is it possible the blood smear is from a flea bite where she has scratched off a scab?  Are there signs of a tick bite where the tick has fallen off but the bite is still oozing a little?  Could she have cut a paw on something sharp in the house?  If it's just a minor scratch or bite it will heal up on its own (just as it does with humans).  If it looks more serious then get it checked out by a vet.
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