
My Cat recently was run over by a car...?

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She had alot of damage to her pelvis and her hind leg drags behind her when she walks. She had a frame fitted pinning her pelvis together for about 6 weeks which she coped with very well, she has recently had this removed and is undgoing extensive physiotherapy on the leg which has severe damage to her paw which has nerve damage. Despite the physiotherapy she is continuing to drag her hind leg and is using her knuckle instead of putting the paw flat on the floor. Is there any kind of splint we can make to encourage her to place the paw flat on the floor?




  1. Maybe you need to have the vets place a specially made iron in her paw that will hold it in place. Or i would suggest that you have her paw placed in a cast (make sure it is place in the same way she would walk,flat on the floorher to adapt more to walking naturally that way when she heals.I suppose the reason why she is walks that way is because she must be in pain,i just love cats.

  2. That is all they know "TAKE IT TO A VET"

    You'll be better off taking it to a taxidermist and convering it into a Rug at least you'll know your getting some use out of it

  3. it is so sad when animals have to suffer because of stupid things their owners to.  This was 100% preventable if you had kept your cat inside.  she would never have felt any pain or suffering because of this accident.  I feel very badly for your cat and the person who hit it.  that had to have been very traumatizing for them.  I couldn't imagine.

  4. I dont think theres anything anyone would be able to do about it. It was abit like when my older bro broke his finger and his finger is bent and theres nothing anyone can do about it, I think it will be the same with your cat. But it never hurts to try and ask a vet if theres anything they can do about it.  

  5. Sounds like your kitty suffered nerve damage in that leg and isn't able to properly "place" her foot. She may not have sensation in the nerve that helps them place their foot normaly on the ground and thus "knuckle over" when she walks.

    Keep going with the therapy and she may regain more function.

    Tell the vet your concerns and make sure to check her foot daily to be sure it's not getting infected or sore. They can make little "booties" to put on her paw so the skin doesn't get damaged from dragging the ground.

    She may never get "better" but should do just fine. If she continues to drag the foot and the skin becomes infected, perhaps the vet will recommend amputation of the leg. But give it time, cats are great healers and do well with disabilities like this.

    Best of luck!

  6. steff i hope you ******** rott in h**l b*astard

    im sure you cat will be fine i took a cat in that got ranover on the m6

  7. ur a fu*ing b*****d steff wateva fu*ing smash ur head in!

    your cat shuld be fine eventuly, just giv it undivided attentionand ask the vet for advice and some drugs incase your cats in pain, hope i helped! xx

  8. Its a shame RobbieB & Steffgwa havent been blessed with brains.they must think its clever to put things on sites,maybe its because their mental home wont let them out to play!!!!!!

  9. give her a bit more time to build muscle again.  It takes more time to regain muscle then it does to loose it.  6 weeks pinned is more like 12 weeks to restrengthen.

    watch the part she drags to be sure it does not become raw or get scraped.   A loose turn of vet wrap around it will protect it from being rubbed raw.

    If she doesn't start using it then a metal or plastic splint can be formed by the vet or who ever is doing the physio with her to bend the paw in the correct direction and hold it there.

  10. No... the problem is that it doesn't need straightening, it needs bending and a splint won't do that.

    Inform your vet and see what he says - he might put it in a cast to fix it bent... or he might suggest chopping the leg off as it will start to become raw eventually.

  11. A lot of nerve damage is permanent and she might be beyond repair. Consult with a vet for the best course of action. PS  Hope the cat gets better.

  12. ok, number one, cats are independant creatures, they're gonna want outside. i have tried so many times to keep my kitten, Boo, inside the house but the little lamebrain keeps getting out. dont make this person feel anymore bad then they probably already do. if you have ever had an animal run over you'd know it woud make you feel incredibly bad and most people arent tramatized by running over a cat. most people are so sick that they try to speed up to hit the cat or not even try to miss it.

    Number two, dont worry about you cat it will be alright. my cat was attacked by a coyote and it broke his leg and the vet didnt help, and he walks around all fine and this happened about two months ago. but he is all fine and he is more cuddley than ever!

    and nuber three, this steff guy is a lamebrain.

  13. I agree, lets smash steff's head with a hammer.

    Your kitty will be absolutley fine! Keep her well rested when she is sleeping just attemp to put it in a better place she will wake up if she is in pain keep doing that and it will heal nice ;)

    Although, depends on HOW sever the nerve damage is, it can heal nicley or stay permanant I am glad my kitty is fine, hope yours gets better :)

  14. I would check with the vet as they should know if it's permanent damage or it can be rehabilitated.  At this time, if it is permanent, they might need to amputate the leg (they do very well with one less legg).  It will be more money, but I'm wondering, how did it get outside.

    Sorry for your accident and hang in there; you're doing the right thing.

  15. Just take care, rest she can do of her own. It is cas natuaral instinct to overcome the injuries.


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