I have a Veiled Chameleon, I bought him from a woman who rescued him from a man who neglected and abused him. So, he's malnourished and weak as well as dehydrated.
Now I just got the news a few minutes ago... I've never had a chameleon before nor have a had a reptile with Coccidia, for that matter, I've never had a reptile with a parasite - I try to keep mine in the most healthy and pristine condition.
If you could possibly help me and tell me how I deal with Coccidia, for example: how do I treat it? How long should it take for him to recover if he can? What precautions should I take? Can it spread to my other reptiles? Can it be fatal? All in all, is it easy to treat?
Thanks in advance... If you can't answer all of my questions, it's not a problem, as long as some of them are answered I'll stop worrying as much. Thanks again.