
My Chameleon looks like she has a broken leg...?

by  |  earlier

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She's not using it to grip her branch like the other 3 legs are. Also, her body muscles are twitching. They look like ripples in water. Why are they doing that? Is there any other reason for her not to use her arm other than the fact that it might be broken?




  1. Has any trauma happened to her recently? If your not sure, go to a vet just to be safe.

  2. OMIGOSH (not to be rude or anything) but i am SO sick of these questions, about something seriously wrong with their pet, TAKE HER TO A VET if you think something is wrong, easiest thing to do. don't sit here and wait for our answers to see what you should do, it could be very serious and she could die. (prolly not if its a broken leg) but take her to a vet please

  3. This sounds a lot like MBD or Metabolic Bone Disease which is a malabsorption problem.

    Many factors can apply to this and if you correct them then there is a likely hood you can reverse the problem and her bones will heal on there own. Likely she will have some permanent damage from this disease if she pulls through.

    Here are a few classic things that go wrong:

    Lighting - Improper lighting or Unmaintained UV lighting. She needs UVB to metabolize vitamin D3 for bones. Most florecent bulbs only put out enough UV light for up to 3 to 4 months. A select few for up to 6 months. Mercury Vapor bulbs will put out UV for a year. Make sure you have an appropriate UV source.

    Heat - Inappropriate heat sources, lack of or lack of temperature gradient can affect appetite and metabolism as well. Recommend getting a laser guided temperature gun (the PE2 or similar). Check to make sure your temperatures are where you think. Unfortunately and  commonly we rely on cage thermometers and they usually only give us ambiant temperatures.

    Nutrition - Key here is making sure your feeder insects are properly gut loaded with a balanced minieral diet. Calcium dust alone will not help, but at this time I do recommend using that as well. Basically, if you aren't feeding your feeders before you give them to your reptile they are going in on an empty stomach. This basically only provides your reptile with fat and protien which can't help bone development or verve and muscle function. Make sure they are eating a varied nutrient rich diet right before you feed them to your chameleon.

    Here is a link about MBD

    Chameleons can be a tricky species to take care of properly. Here is a link to a care sheet on them that you can double check temperatures an feeding requirements.

    Do also try to find a reptile veterinarian to help you out on your quest to get your chameleon better. (

    Good luck and act quickly.

  4. yea im thinking MBD too u need to get it too a vet asap or your pet could die. surely taking it too the vet is common sense  

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