
My Chase Credit Card was terminated/cancelled without letting me know?

by  |  earlier

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Chase Bank terminated my credit card without notification! I didn't have a balance and I didn't use it for a while! However, I took it with me to Hawaii and it didn't work and it was expired. I called Chase Bank and they said that it was terminated because it wasn't active! I'm trying to contact them to re-open my credit card, and they telling me that your credit card doesn't exist. So, I want to contact the head of Chase Bank and I cannot find it online. Any help is greatly appreciated?





  1. A lot of banks will close your credit card if you dont use them. I had one of my Target Visa cards closed because I hadn't used it in 13 months. By law, they are under no legal obligation to keep your card open if you dont use it. My suggestion is to keep all your cards active. Charge something once every 6 months to keep them alive. Unfortunately since the card is closed, there is little you can do about it.  

  2. It's bizarre, but they can't see a closed card in their system. The best answer is to try and find a local branch if possible and speak to a banker. They do have access to most closed accounts and card numbers and can internally contact the right people. If you are still in HI there are no branches there, so go online and find a number to a local branch. If you get the right person they will help you.

    Honestly, in the credit environment now, companies are closing credit lines that are not used as well as lowering some lines in order to protect their position in outstanding credit available. Since they have to keep those funds available for use and set them aside, they can't use them elsewhere, so you may see this happen much more often.

    Lastly, if your credit has changed in any way since you opened the card, companies have the right to suspend or eliminate credit to individuals at any time and in some cases call the note due immediately.

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