
My Child is recieving AIS and on a 504 plan and failing the class where AIS is offered, HOW does this happen?

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My child is in 4th grade and recieving AIS services for reading, where he attends developmental reading. He leaves his primary class for this service. Day 1 of school until last week he was pulled twice a week from AIS to go to OT for a 504 plan. He was not only missing AIS time the next day he was doing 2 days worth of work. I feel as a result of this he recieved a F 1st grading period and now a D. He is an honor roll student minus this reading grade. The teacher has had no communication and I have had to proactivley meet with her and the principal. (sev times) I asked that he no longer be pulled for OT back in NOV after the 1st grade and this week is the 1st week he FINALLY wont be pulled from AIS to rec. OT! I have requested that his grades be changed to N/A. I am not asking for a grade he doesn't deserve, just acknowledgment that he couldnt have been fairly assesed. This was denied. I asked that he be placed with his primary teacher that knows his needs for AIS..this was declined.




  1. I would escalate to the special education director of your school district or system.    Also I would demand a meeting with the teacher - just show up if you have to - to review exactly why she is giving this grade.  If he is getting zeroes for missed classes then obviously this isn't fair.  Ask her what he can do to make up the work.  She may think he is just trying to get out of it.

  2. Yes, I'm sorry I didn't answer your question yesterday... My son was having a bad day himself.  Don't wait,Request a psycho/educational evaluation, It has to be in writing to the school and get him the help he needs and he deserves under The right to an equal and free education act. Not to mention, we waited and tried to be nice and now our son has suffered up till the 4th grade and now we had to get a lawyer.  If you get nowhere there are child advocates and agency's that will support you ... This does not mean that your son is impaired or "retarded" in any way ... so don't let any one intimidate you... I applaud you it is so hard I get exhausted, but they are worth it!

  3. Your son is an honor roll student in all other content areas?  Other content areas require immense amounts of reading as well. Does your son have an IEP with the 504? Is he classified? Why does he go to OT?  Is it for sensory issues, perceptual issues? Request a hearing with the committee for special education and discuss the issues there.  Perhaps there you can  get approval for the much needed evaluations it seems that you need.

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