
My Clown Loaches are unusually active and playful, Is there anything wrong with them?

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There are 4 Clown Loaches in a 75 gallon aquarium... They are there along with 5 angels,5 tiger barbs(sometimes the clown loaches school with the tiger barbs),10 zebra danios, and 4 black molly's. I just put the Clown Loaches in 2 days ago. I have heard that Clown Loaches are really shy fish and pretty docile.




  1. Clown Loaches are generally described as shy because people rarely give them enough space and only get one or two-- when given room and a sufficient group, they will be quite active.  What you are seeing is a group of happy Loaches.  Be aware, however, that once they reach about 8" long, you may need to start giving them away one at a time, as they'll eventually top a foot in length.  Luckily, they are much less reliant on their shoal for protection as adults, and will have little problem being separated.

  2. wut the heck is a clown loach?

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