
My Cockatiel is petrified of mirrors?

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he hisses at his reflection every time he sees it and sometimes i think i need to take all the mirrors out of the house b/c he hates them so much, he always goes to them and then hisses.. and ducks his head, and when he gets close he tries to bite the reflection, is this normal, should i be ok with this, what do i do?




  1. Birds do NOT see themselves in a mirror, they see it as another bird.  I've said this many times in all my posts, there is not one organization that regulates what is sold for our pets, so you have to be the one to do it for them.  Anyone can market anything sold for your pets.  

    Remove the mirror and be careful when your bird is allowed outside the cage.  Your bird should also be clipped so the bird can be watched around mirrors.  It's like a child being afraid of dog or a cat, your bird is petrified of mirrors.  Will it get over this fear, that is the unknown?  You must supervise your bird while being out of the cage at all times.  

    Good Luck!

  2. don't worry about it.  just let him get used to it maybe he will get used to it maybe he won't but just let him be.  if you are going to play with him do that.  you should have a treat or a toy that he likes to distract him

  3. umm, im not really sure! maybe he likes it, and his hissing is more of a kiss? haha im sure u dont have to take all the mirrors out of ur house for ur bird, he will get used to them, dont worry!

  4. yes its normal. but be very careful if u let him out and he sees a mirror when he flys and its like right at him he will run right into it. my cockatiel did that and he injured his wings and his legs and he couldnt walk or fly for 3 weeks. and its was not good because he wanted to be out everyday.

    birds like to look at mirrors they think its another bird after they get used to what it is they like it alot.

  5. They think it is another bird that is getting into their territory, they might crack their beak trying to attack the morror. Take it out.

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