
My Cockatiel wants to be president?

by  |  earlier

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She is smart, outgoing, and takes no BS from anyone. She has no problem letting someone know what she thinks. Even it means dive bombing and letting a person know with a good bite shes not happy. She couldn't be any worse then the current crop of politicians.

Her motto is "Nests for all!"




  1. she wouldn't make it past the first Cockatail party

  2. Let her run. She's at least as qualified as Obama.

  3. She sounds great. She is a natural born American, but is she 35 years old?

  4. She's more experienced than Sarah Palin. I'd vote for her.

  5. Sounds like she has a much higher pay grade than obama has.  One question dose she want us together our own nesting material or will she set up a massive government program for that?

    A conservative , I could vote for that.

  6. Perhaps she can run as a third party candidate.  I don't like her motto though.  It should be "Liberty and no cages for all."  

  7. She's got my vote!


    Can I get a campaign button for free?

  8. Birds of a feather flock together!

    New way to look at Air force 1

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