
My Cockatiels are hurting their babies, what do I do?

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I just got two Cockatiels and they had four babies about a month ago. The problem is that they're picking out the babies feathers and they're bleeding a lot. I don't know what to do. Do I leave them in the cage with their parents (as a part of growing up)or do I hand feed them?




  1. Seperate the parents for now?

    They sound like they're being really aggressive and IMO shouldn't be around the babies right now.

    I'm not the biggest expert on cockatiels, sorry.

    Look it up or call your local veteranarian and ask them.


  2. yeah i think you should take them out and hand feed them or they will die. it sounds like the mother does not instinctively know not to do that.

  3. Take them away from the parents.  Contact a breeder, avian vet or experienced hand feeder in your area and have them teach you how to hand feed (you can kill the babies if you don't know what you are doing)    These birds should not be allowed to breed again.  Either separate them or remove the nesting box and keep the light they receive each day to under 12hrs.  

  4. Definitely take the babies out. I am not a Cockatiel expert either, but wanted to add that you should put seed and water dishes in with the baby birds and watch them.  at four weeks they may be old enough to start picking at seed themselves.  Also, splash your finger in the water dish so they hear the noise.  Then drip a drop off your finger onto their beak and they may get the hang of drinking.  Make sure you use a shallow water bowl so the babies do not accidentally drown.  If you do attempt to feed by hand just be very careful because it easy to kill baby birds hand feeding.  Baby birds have a hole on their tongue that goes into their lungs and candie if you accidentally get food in that hole.

  5. i had the same problem, i took the babies out and put them in their own cage. i fed them a couple times a day and let the father feed them too, but when i saw the father try to pluck them  i stopped him. if they do not feed them your better off feeding them yourself about 5 times a day every 3 hours or so. use the baby formula and follow the directions. make sure you know how to do it right.

  6. Idk if its the same with birds but with rabbits your supposed to keep the male away from the babies.  

  7. keep them away from there parents and you parent them

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