
My Compound bow is locked!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I just pulled it once and then after that I, I tried pulling it, but it won't budge. It's like it's locked, so someone please help on this thank you :)




  1. for saftey reasons go to a pro shop they will tell you for free

  2. Sounds like a dry fire malfunction.  Put it in a case or your trunk and take it to a pro shop.

  3. Sounds like a dry fire situation has occurred, take the bow to a pro shop for diagnosis.

  4. Dry firing has this common occurance and that would be my guess. It can s***w up the cams or possibly twist the strings or more...either way your probably gonna have to put some more money into to get it fixed. Go to a pro shop immediately!

  5. you should never dry fire a compound bow.

  6. I agree with the above poster. If you go to a pro shop they will diagnose your problem. If your string came off they will charge you $20 to put it back on and test it.

    Did you dry fire the bow. This is very common when people do this and can permanently ruin your bow.

  7. im not an expert in compound but i am in recurve...but try looking at the wheels see iff the string is ttwisted or something on the wheel

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