
My Computer Idea (its quite a good'un) ?

by  |  earlier

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Right. I need the worlds cheapest computer, but one with decent memory and hard drive and... stuff. So I'm thinking why not just run linux on my old ps2 with a monitor and usb keyboard and... stuff. Anyway. What is linux? Is it free? I mean really free I dont wanna pay a penny, and is it a good idea? Thanks.




  1. Linux is a general term for a Unix like operating system. There are many 'flavors' as they say, of Linux. Some are free but for the most part the free ones are incomplete or hard to use. Even with Linux apps, there are still minimum requirements to check out. And with the ps2 the max memory may or may not be enough for what you want to do. No one can quickly / accurately tell you what you need.

    Do some research ... See my sources.

  2. Well, nothing actually comes for free. But since you want it that way, why don't you actually take this survey and see what you get from it.

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