
My Computer is sooo messed! ?

by  |  earlier

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So, I have an iPod touch. And as many know, you can get songs right from the iTunes on your iPod, on mobile if you will. So I had about 60 songs in my 'Purchased on iPod' playlist; some songs had already been synched with iTunes on my computer. As for 58 other songs, no. So when i decided that 'hey, maybe i should synch my ipod' i connected it. So my computer still recognizes my iPod as a camera but whatever that's all fine for now. It's transferring purchases /synching. I go to fall asleep that night (about 6 hours later) and realize that all the songs i had bought from my iPod were not there. So the next morning I turn on my computer (a toshiba laptop, very very very very very slow thing). And I open itunes (after about half an hour of the computer loading). I see that all my songs I had bought are there. So I'm relaxed and I go to grab some breakfast. When I come back I dropped my toast because I just wanted to hurt someone. Of course, the infamous blue screen of death had come up. So I force shut down my computer and restarted it, this time giving it about an hour to load. Open iTunes. By this time, it's like, lunch. So i decide to quickly synch my iPod. THEN iTunes wants me to update my iPod to 2.0.2 so I say ok... then it wants me to back up all my setting. Agreed. So I click okay. Go to the kitchen, grab some soup and watch NEXT. When I come back about 15 minutes later, the blue screen of death again. And as I sit here, TYPING FROM MY MAC (which I do have my itunes account on but not all my songs), the blue screen of death has come up yet again. What the **** is wrong with my computer? and how do i fix it? is it a virus? I'm too busy for this! I NEED those songs!




  1. can be one of 2 things, hard drive failure or memory failure.

    if you have spare memory chips, try replacing them. if hard drive try

    after computer boots. run chkdsk, sounds like hard drive failure. run spinrite if you can, will try and get data from bad areas of drive. you may need, usb enclosure, Norton's ghost to duplicate drive and a new drive. possably a copy of your manufacturers restore disks for your laptop.

    one thing about itunes, thay need to sell mp3 unprotected music, so you can transfer them without worring about where thay are stored on.

  2. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new software, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  3. Well if you purchased the songs from your iPod Touch, the songs should've been on there. You probably need to contact a computer repair guy RIGHT NOW!!! If you have a Best Buy around you anywhere, go there. They should have a Geek Squad section. They can recover your songs and other files safely but it will cost money. Maybe, say 50-100 dollars. Otherwise just contact your local computer repairman and tell him to come over RIGHT NOW!!!

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