
My Computer keeps turning off u think its because there is not enough memory space left?

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My Computer keeps turning off u think its because there is not enough memory space left?




  1. You could have issues with your power supply, or your processor is overheating

  2. how much memory how much left.

    how many programs running

    operating system~windows~vista~mac?

    edit your question and give this info please.


    download and run "ccleaner" free

    it will clear out all temp files and cookies left every time you go on the web.

    it will recover some memory and help with the speed.

    delete all the programs you don't use or "might" use.

    make data copies

    best i can offer without extra info.

    hope this helps

  3. mine did that too. but it would restart not shut down. it's either your windows is corrupt or you have an infected pc. download advanced windows care its free at be sure to check for updates once the programs is open using the drop down window, then scan. when its done click repair. that should fix your problem. if it still is shutting down there are other free scanners on that site too you can try.  

  4. The "simplest" thing to do would be to reinstall Windows.  You would lose all your files but on the other hand, you would eliminate software as the cause.

    It is not necessary to lose all your files if you have some type of data back-up available; it seems that you are able to use the computer for some length of time before it turns off.

    I have the feeling that you probably have a hardware problem; I suggested the re-installation of Windows because it is a no-cost proposal that does not involve opening the computer and it has a chance of fixing the problem.

    To answer your question directly, although insufficient memory can cause the computer to act up, this is not something that develops over time.  In extreme situations, insufficient memory might cause a computer to shut off; but it is very unlikely.

    The symptom of insufficient memory is that the computer runs very slowly.  However, this is something that the computer would do from the beginning from its first start-up.

    There is a tiny possiblility that the parameters of your virtual memory have gotten out of whack; however the message about virtual memory specifically states that 'virtual memory' is having a problem.  

    The only other memory in a computer is the storage on your hard drives.  If you were to fill your hard drive to capacity, the computer would generally run a lot slower.  However, again, the possibility of that bottleneck to cause the computer to shut off is rather small.

    The most likely cause of your problem is hardware that has gotten overheated or that regularly and easily overheats.  The cause of overheating is due for the most part to dust which collects in virtually all computers.  The dust is attracted to all the areas that need cooling and so those areas do not get cooled.

    The next most popular cause of overheating is fan failure.  Your power supply fan may always be audible but the CPU fan or video card fans are deep within the computer and you are not likely to hear them at all; let alone when they stop working.

    Once this is all resolved, make it a habit to get the dust cleaned out of your computer on a regular schedule.  Far too many computers have fallen victim to overheating from dust accumulation.  You may have your computer in a very clean environment but unless unusual precautions have been taken, any computer will become a home for dust bunnies.  And to computers, dust bunnies are deadly.

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