
My Corduroy pants are fading. What do I do?

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I have these True Religon Corduroy pants that i got for X-Mas and I've noticed that they have started to fade. It looks like someone sprinkled powder sugar all over them is there any way to reverse it or stop the fading? Thanks




  1. Guest31756

     Every year, great designers know how to use corduroy to make modern corduroy jeans and corduroy pants which are a lot nicer to wear than these dull denim jeans.  Cute dudes at college look so good with these new slim corduroy jeans or pants.

  2. Soak it in vinegar...dye it....or the best buy a new pair.

  3. no sorry u will just have to buy a new pair

  4. Enjoy having Cords that look good!

  5. no-one wears them any more, talk about old fashion. buy some decent jeans instead.

  6. Wash and dry inside out might stop it getting much worse.

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