
My Cousin Is Afraid To Use Her Cellphone?

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My cousin is afraid to use her cellphone. The only reason she has it, is so she can keep in touch with me when she goes outside. (I'm babysitting her.) She's afraid to use it after she saw something in the news about how cellphones can give you brain tumours. I told her that as long as she doesnt blab on it all the time she should be fine.

How do I convince her her cellphone wont kill her or give her brain tumours?




  1. Maybe you could get online and show her the history of cell phones (ya know.those big ugly ones lol)... Help her realize that people have been using cell phones for years and they have yet to hurt anyone. Not to mention..microwaves or so much worse..and yet, everyone is still walking around after using them all the time. She needs to realize that yes there are concerns out there, but if they have proof of enough people developing brain tumors, we would know. I mean, only 5 people got sick 2 months ago from tomatoes and everyone stopped selling them, so if cell phones were causing tumors, it would get the same attention.  You hear more about global warming causing harm to us than cell phones. You just need to point out that yes its a concern, but there isn't good enough proof yet.  Hope this helps!

  2. tell her mom to take her to the doctor and the doctor can explain all the facts to her and alleviate her fears.

  3. first of all, your cousin is right. scientists have proven that cell phones used by young people such as kids or teens can lead to early brain tumors. the best thing to do is to tell her to limit the amount of cellphone usage and when she does have to use it, put it on speaker phone.  

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