
My Cousin Smokes Weed, What Should I Do?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin and I are both 15. I found out 2 weeks ago from my uncle that my cousin smokes weed. My cousin's mother knows, along with my entire family and nobody's doing anything. They all just let him smoke weed! We've been best friends since we were 2 years old and he's like a brother to me. I didn't want to believe it, but on his YouTube account, he made a video of him smoking weed and watching it brought me to tears. What should I do? I can't watch him kill himself, but nobody else seems to care.




  1. well i think u should calm down...

    he's not gonna die from smoking weed its really not that serious

    i mean u can always just keep telling him to stop, but he's most likely gonna do what he wants so i would just let it go

  2. WEED WONT KILL YOU. believe it or not its actually good for you. its only bad if you do it everyday all day which im sure your cousin dosent do.and its its not addictive like other just makes you feel happy,giggly and relieves stress and headaches.would you rather have him be on coke, meth, heroin, or any of those deadly highly addictive drugs. just let him be.

  3. Woah that is sad. um okay talk to him.

    tell him you want him to stop. and make sure he stops.

    if hes too stubborn to listen do something about it.

    take his money and weed away. talk to a teacher, parent, neighbor,

    or any adult that your really close too and actually cares about this.

    The sooner this is treated the better. I mean, he could get sick real bad

    and i know no one wants that to happen to him or anyone else.

    Good luck and I hope he stops. :]

  4. as long as YOUR not the one doing it

  5. If his family knows and they don't care, it could be difficult to convince him, but I think you should talk to him about it. Don't lecture him, because he probably just wouldn't listen to that, instead tell him how it makes you feel when you see him smoking weed and how you're worried about him. Hopefully that will be a reality check for him. You also need to tell him that weed may not be so horribly bad for you compared to other drugs, but what usually happens is that weed eventually won't be enough for him and he'll go on to harder drugs. It's a slippery slope and maybe he doesn't realise that.

  6. Your cousin sounds like an idiot (if he's posting videos of himself smoking it) but maybe you should educate yourself about the REAL dangers of smoking marijuana. He's not killing himself. My mom's 40 and she's been smoking it since she was 12 and guess what? She's perfectly healthy. If you choose not to smoke it, that's great, but you can't force your ideals onto someone else.

  7. cant beat him then Join Him!! jk just um talk 2 him??

  8. talk to him.

    Have an intervention. Tell his entire family to come, and sit him down, don't let him leave, and each give reasons why he should stop.Best of luck to you.

  9. tell him to stop and to get some help... like rehab  

  10. If his mom and dad are okay with it you can't really do much. you could try and talk to him but you arent likely to get anywhere, maybe you could show him the effect of smoking weed e.g. pic on the web of destroyed lungs.

    He may find smoking it theraputic and you may not be able to stop him. If he wants to quit he will you can't force anyone to do something x good luck x hope your cuz sees sense soon x

  11. edit:

  12. well first of all I'm really sorry about your cousin

    second of all.. I just recently went throught the same thing I jusy found out me best friend was doing drugs. I told her that if she doesn't stop the next time  I found out she was doing them I was calling the police on her and telling them to search her house.

    And I told her that I would come to her house everyday and spend the night and chec her room and her whole hose for drugs just to make sure that she would stop. and I told her I was going to tell my parents her parents the police.

    Basically I threatened to make her life a living h**l.. and she hasn't touched the drugs ever since...

    Just threaten to not be his be is his life andymore if he keeps doing it. Because I bet that you love and you realationship with him means more than some stupid drugs.

  13. go smoke a joint with him lol

  14. i dont think he's gonna kill himself. at least it's not cigarrettes. those r addictive and they kill u alot faster. he probably just does it to relax or chill with his friends. and i know alot of 14+ ppl who smoked wen they were about 15 and then stopped cuz they realized it wasnt good or something. its not that big of a deal. if he wants to do it then thats him. and if his parents arent doing anything, then u should leave it too. they r the ones responsible.

  15. If his parents know and don't mind, then you need to just stay out of it. You could call the police, but do you really want to get your cousin thrown in jail?  

  16. just talk to him tell him you rele care and want to help tell him u know it his choice but u cant watch him kill himself tell him how much u love him ands think of him as a brother mabey if u try hard enought he will quit and if u have to threten not to talk to him as much until he quits.  

  17. my cousins both smoke weed and they wont be told . they think there so d**n samrt but w/e

    i grew up in amstedam and i witnessed what long term weed abuse does to a person and depending on how strong the strians are the damage can be done quite quickly, people end up with a glazed look on there faces, they are sluggish and get angry because they cant keep up and get fustrated. often this is irriversible

    at 15 your cousin is an idiot ( no offence to him but teenage boys just are ) there is very little his parents can do, but what they can do is remove you cousin from the situation , this involves not allowing him to hang around with his freinds ( it will be a fight ) and possibly making him move schools or even moving him out of the area so he is just too far away from the bad influences because teens just wont be told that there freinds are bad influences

    another thing they can do is go to the sorce, who is selling him the weed? where are they getting it from ? call the police and get THAT person tackled.

    there is very little you can do to him to convince him he is doing somthing wrong , all you can do as a parent is protect them from themselves by insulating them from the harm

    tell you uncle not to give up on him becasue weed is just the frist step , one thing leads to another and the next thing is he is hooked on crack or poppin E and that can kill instantly  

  18. relax its jus weed, he aint gonna die. and if everyone seems ok with it then leave him be. its jus weed

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