
My Crepe Myrtle has "powdery mildew." Any suggestions for how to kill off the fungus?

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Greetings dear ones.

For as long as I can remember - my Grandparents had beautiful crepe myrtles the size of trees in their yard. Since they have passed away, and I now live in their old house, I wanted to maintain their lovely landscaping.

The (40 year old) crepe myrtle is being killed by powdery mildew fungus. Do you have any fungicide suggestions or home remedies to pass along that I can use? I have dogs, and would like to not risk their health while I combat this.

Thank you!





  1. Depending of the size of the tree you might want to call in a professional pesticide company. If you want to go at it on your own, try "Orthene". It's the only product I really know that takes care of it effectively, but it IS a probable hazard for your dogs if they get in touch with it. You will need to cover the entire plant with the product (it comes as a liquid). You can buy it free over the counter at your nearest Garden Center.

  2. Clemson University has a really good write up on how to control this. Below is their link.  I love my Crepe Myrtle so I hope you can save yours.

    Good luck!

  3. Interesting enough the most effective measure in preventing and treating powdery mildew is to spry the foliage daily with water from the hose. Powdery mildew hates water, just be sure to do it early in the day so it has a chance to dry out before cooler evening temperatures arrive.Orthene is an insecticide and will not help in controlling this fungus.A home remedy would be..1 tablespoon baking soda--1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap--in one gallon of water...there are fungicides available that have potassium bicarbonate in them  sulfur or copper any of these will work or triforine. Do not spray in the heat of the day and be sure to keep fallen leaves bagged and tossed. hope this helps

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