
My DSL internet is running slow lately?

by  |  earlier

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my DSL internet is running REALLY s...l...o...w...l...y... as of lately. we have 3 PSP systems 3 Nintendo DS systems 2 laptops (on wireless) and a family computer registered to use our modem. They are not all in use at the same time but you'd think they were by the way how slow it is. (it took me 8min47sec to get to this page) I can't take it anymore the Modem is a VERIZON GT704WG. Could it be the modem? or could it be there are too many things registered to the modem? or what?




  1. Probably noise on your phone line. (no, the noise does not have to be audible).

    Check your actual internet speed here:

    It should be within 10% or so of the speed tier that you are paying for. If it is not contact Verizon.

    BTW, the wiring inside of the NID (that light green box outside) is the responsibility of you, the customer. Everything outside and including thje NID is Verizon's responsibility.

    Good luck resolving your issue.

  2. Restarting the router works 9 times out of 10 when my clients complain of this very issue.

  3. You could try contacting your ISP about this, and see what they say.

    You could also try resetting your router to default, and setting it up from scratch. I did this just a couple of days ago, and the speed returned.

  4. power cycling the modem works alot(turning it off and on)

    or you could have a virus u probly wsant to do a deep virus scan

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