
My Dad's girlfried has some hideous suggestions for what to call their new arrival ...?

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Their baby is due in December and where my Dad & I like proper, traditional names (& we also want to keep to the family "tradition" of having a 7-letter name) his girlfriend has come up with some, in my opinion, hideous suggestions for a name in 2008. Dad isn't too keen either but he's too soft to say no.

Boy - Garrick, Linus, Grahame, Dawson, Laurence, Gabriel.

Girl - Saffron, Laurel, Claudia, Madeira, Celeste, Sherrie.

How can we persuade her to give baby a proper name, and also tht we want to have a 7-letter name, or should we leave her too it.

If she names it one of those names I will feel seriously sorry for it.




  1. graham and garbriel are quite popular in the uk at the moment.

    i know 2 grahams and 3 gabriels

    saffron is ok, not convinced about the other girl names she has chosen

    get your dad to write a list of the names he likes, then get them together to talk like grown ups!

    make each of them list 5 good choices, 5 compromises and 5 hates for boys and girls

  2. Best to leave the name to both of them , sure the choice will be great

  3. "We" do not need to persuede her.  What to name the baby is the parent's decision, NOT yours.  Butt out and let them come to a compromise.

    While I do not particularly care for several of the names, they are not awful.  Some I like.  Many have 7 letters so would still follow the tradition in your family.

    Again, you have no say in the name-butt out.  You can name YOUR children.

  4. Dawson isnt bad, nor is Laurel or Sherrie. DOnt be too harsh this IS her baby she is the mother so maybe you can come to a compromise.  

  5. I'm sorry but I really, really dislike all the names your dad's girlfriend wishes to call her new arrival. Personally, my favourite seven letter names are Kaitlin, Abigail and Lindsey.

    Good luck!

  6. Talk to her and say that if she calls her child something unusual it may bring more consequences for the child than it does for her (being picked on etc.) or you could suggest some names that you think might be better. But at the end of the day, it is her baby so you shouldn't be too hard on her.

  7. There's nothing wrong with Linus and Gabriel.

    Claudia and Celeste are nice for the girls.

    The rest is horrid.

  8. It doesn't matter what the baby is called as long as its healthy and happy! It is just a name, if you are really that worried then why don't you suggest to keep your family tradition by giving the baby a seven letter middle name then you will all be happy :)

  9. dont sweat it. those are cool names, and maybe you could get a way to have her choose a 7 letter name. i mean thats close right? and her being the mother. she would still have a say in what her babys name IS. i think that works right?

  10. in all honesty there isn't anything you can really do about it. i know i'd hate to be in the same situation. i'd just tell her straight out you both dislike those names. not that you really have a say in it. come to a compromise between the three or at LEAST your father & her. maybe then you guys will come up w/ something at least a little more suitable for all of you.

  11. It is her and your dad's decision.

    At the end of the day you have no say in the matter at all unless she asks for your advice/opinion.

    Grahame is not to bad. It is just a little old fashioned

    Dawson is OK

    And Saffron, Laurel and Claudia. There is nothing wrong with them names.

    Just keep out of it. You will have the chance to name your own children what you like one day

  12. What has it got to do with you? Its not your child and you seem to be taking this as if it is. The decision is between your father and his girlfriend, butt out!  If your dad cant say anything to her about how he feels then its his problem.!

  13. sorry hunny but it isnt your baby. She can name it whatever she wants to and if you dad is allowing why should you care. I see the whole tradition in it but traditions changed when he got his G.F. pregnant sooo i wouldnt feel sorry for the baby i feel sorry for you cause obviously you are scared of change and it will happen whether you like it or not! When you have a baby name it whatever proper 7 letter name comes to mind!

  14. I would also feel sorry for it. Work on your dad to gain the courage to say NO!

  15. I'm afraid that is is her baby, but if your dad doesn't like them then I think he should talk to her! I think Saffron is a beautiful name for a girl! I mean, okay some are bad, but it's their baby, not yours, instead of trying to get her to choose a name that you like, why don't you suggest some names to her that you like?

  16. Its her child, I feel she can call the child whatever she likes.

  17. Sorry  but it isn't any of your business, what they call their baby is entirely up to them and if you dad is happy to go along with what his girlfriend wants then that's his choice not yours.  Butt out and leave them to it.

  18. You are right some of them are not nice! Maybe you could say something along the lines of 'it's best to have a more traditional name so they won't get picked on but not a common name still'.

    Although I don't think that Saffron is bad.

  19. Gee thanks.. Laurel is my middle name and I love it!!! But ya.. i mean the other ones are kind of blah.... they need to talk and figure out a good name... one that both can agree one. Not just her pick, that's messed up.

  20. Offer to look up some name meanings with them - the three of you together. I am sure she will be put off by some of the meanings, also you may equally like some name meanings.

    Perhaps you could break with the family tradition of 7 letter names? as she may feel she is being pressured a little too far into your family traditions? another suggestion could be to chose one of her family names with 7 lettres but which has also a nice meaning and has some significance with your family.

    If you suggest all these options - when the three of you are together, she would be unreasonable to disregard all your suggestions.

    Best of luck.

  21. Yeah, those are all fugly names.

  22. I wouldn't get involved. Its her baby. If your dad won't say anything to her thats his problem but she can name her baby whatever she likes. When you have a baby then you can pick a name.  

  23. If they call the baby Madeira it will spend its life being known as madeira cake lol!

    And dawson...everyone will sing the dawsons creek theme tune! The boys names are quite old fashioned tho.

    How about she picks the first name your dad picks the second name that way if the baby decides they dont like their first name they can go by their second name instead :)

  24. I love the name Saffron

    but agree with you - hate all the other names.

    Either get your dad to persuade her you have a family tradition and it would be really nice for her to stick with it, making this baby just as much part of the family as the other children, or if he insists on keeping her happy - do you think you could come round to the name Saffron? At least it has 7 letters. And it is actually a beautiful deep yellow orange colour, as well as an exotic spice, so it has a lovely meaning. Saffy is a cute nickname - or Ronny?

  25. you should just tell her that's a tradition your family wants to stick to and the only name I like up there is saffron

  26. I actually like those names and considering she'll be the one carrying the baby for 9 months and probably doing the majority of caring for it, I think you should leave her to it. They're better than some at least. Plus its not really anything to do with you.

  27. i totally agree with you...the poor kid! but i dont think you should get involved... sorry , i know they are awful names!

  28. I like Claudia! I don't really like the others though.

    Just get your dad to keep suggesting names that he likes and eventually, she might agree with one of them. Whatever the baby's called, I'm sure that it's name will grow on you.

  29. I don't mind Laurel or Claudia.

    At the end of the day, its her baby... she has to live with whatever name she chooses for the rest of her life, and when the baby asks her why she is named whatever she will be named, your Dad's GF must be able to say she chose it because she liked it.  Not because everybody else pursuaded her to change names...

  30. laurel was my mums name she pasted away last year from cancer. she was a beautiful person. it is her baby so her choose you have no place to judge. sorry!

  31. At the end of the day it's up to your Dad and his girlfriend to make the choice.  If they've asked your opinion, then remember it's just that.  Your opinion.  They don't have to take your choice on at all.  If your Dad really feels that strongly about it, then I'm sure he can voice his concerns for himself, and maybe you shouldn't get too overly involved.  Some of the names are nice.  Leave THEM to it.  

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